Posts Tagged: feedback

How Organizations Could Be More Successful – (Part Three of How Organizations Fail)

To understand how organizations can succeed, let’s briefly recap the lessons from the first two parts of this series on organizational failure. Part One –Framework for Analyzing Organizational Failure1) Every decision has unintended consequences for the future – latent conditions.2) Leaders often make decisions without a thorough analysis of the effects of their decisions.3) EmployeesRead… Read more »

Describe your sex life with a movie title. The multiple uses of social media.

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Question: Is it time to admit that social media has multiple definitions and uses? Assertion: There are two types of organizations using social media; those who simply push information out and those who depend on people interacting to survive. Article: “Describe your sex life with a movie title,” was a recent post on myRead… Read more »

Two Communicational Tools Providing Perspective, Patience and Presence: Message and Mantra for Transforming Reaction into Response

Increasingly, research is showing a direct correlation between employee productivity, business profitability, and the degree to which employees feel their employers are concerned about their personal and professional welfare. (See The 2010 AMA Handbook of Leadership.) For example, in the groundbreaking work, First Break All the Rules: What the Greatest Managers Do Differently (Marcus BuckinghamRead… Read more »

How Customers Can Energize Your Employees

Adam Grant writes in the June 2011 issue of Harvard Business Review that research shows that customers themselves are “surprisingly effective in motivating people to work harder, smarter, and more productively.” I’ve seen this phenomenon at work in government, as well as in private industry. I remember the story of a Virginia state trooper whoRead… Read more »

ACUS is renaming its Blog! Help us out!

The Administrative Conference is beginning to ramp up its social media efforts. As we continue to grow, we are leveraging our blog to highlight Conference Member commentary on important issues, feedback on current research projects and federal register notices, and more. We’ve brainstormed options and are looking for feedback from our readers. We are usingRead… Read more »

A few of my notes from the Adobe Government Assembly (or “What I learned from David Plouffe”)

Yesterday, I attended the Adobe Government Assembly at the Reagan building. This was my second #govtassembly. I took 2 1/2 pages of notes from the afternoon keynote by David Plouffe, author of “The Audacity to Win” and Campaign Manager, Obama for President 2008. I thought I’d put some of my notes here so that youRead… Read more »

Using 180 degree feedback instead of 360 degree feedback: Some ideas

360 degree assessments can make a big difference in employee development, but what if your organization is not ready for 360 feedback? Consider using 180-degree format: self + supervisor. 6 Key Reasons to Consider 180-degree feedback instead of 360: Reality check – allows the person being rated the benefit of comparing self-perception of strengths andRead… Read more »

Feedback loops: Measuring results is easier in the private sector

(Apologies to anyone outside the U.S. for this metaphor.) Imagine waking up one morning to attend a soccer game. You arrive a bit late and the game is already in progress. What you see is mind numbing. The players all have padded gear on, stop play every time their awkwardly shaped brown leather ball touchesRead… Read more »

Take the CFCNCA donor survey today!

Are you a Federal employee who contributed to the 2009 Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area (CFCNCA)? If so, we’d like your feedback about the campaign. If you complete the survey before April 30, you will be eligible to receive a limited edition CFCNCA eco-friendly, reusable water bottle. Take the survey today! IfRead… Read more »

How Successful are Your Gov 2.0 Initiative(s)?

There are certainly more and more Government Agencies jumping on the band wagon to follow President Obama’s directive for them to become more collaborative, open, transparent and participatory. But the real question is – what measures are being taken to evaluate the success or failure of all these efforts? I’m writing an article for eContentRead… Read more »