Posts Tagged: flexibility

Back to the Office: The Value of Place and the Office Family

It’s time for those of us who promote a mobile work concept that seeks to get people out of the office to celebrate what happens when they are in the office. We have seen the articles quoting Federal workers on how happy they are to be back at work after the shutdown. And many ofRead… Read more »

Your Mobility Plan – Time to Re-Think Your Workday

We spend a lot of time talking about why the mobile workplace is important, how to create a mobile workplace, what technology to use, and how to overcome manager resistance. All of these topics are important, but I thought it might be worthwhile to consider how one person makes it work on a regular basis.Read… Read more »

Tours of Duty: Matching Workplace Flexibility with Career Flexibility

Have you seen the interesting article in the June Harvard Business Review by Reid Hoffman, Ben Casnocha, and Chris Yeh called “Tours of Duty: The New Employer-Employee Compact”? It gives us a new way to think about our careers – with an emphasis on increased flexibility. Instead of thinking of a career as a seriesRead… Read more »

Should Flexibility be a Reward for High Quality Performance?

There are a great many insights we can get on the Federal workforce by looking at the Best Places to Work survey conducted by Partnership for Public Service, but one struck me as particularly revealing. In looking at the data from the 2012 survey, we can see that only four in ten Federal employees believeRead… Read more »

Liberty, Equality, Mobility!

A recent Washington Post article about GSA’s move to its newly renovated space with a much smaller footprint provides one key to the potential success of this workplace transformation. It notes that Dan Tangherlini, the GSA Administrator, is demonstrating his commitment to change by giving up his executive office and moving in with the commonRead… Read more »

Trimming Federal Real Estate Spend — A 3D Approach to Telework

The following is a post that I wrote with colleague Jim Reidy that originally appeared in Deloitte’s HR Times Blog. Given sequestration and other budget pressures, we’ve seen a strong push among federal agencies to trim their real estate footprints and the associated costs. Telework—the ability for employees to do some or all of theirRead… Read more »

Work-Life Balance: Can Female Feds “HAVE IT ALL”?

Some media elites are beating the drum over whether today’s working women “can have it all“? — as they put it. That is, achieving a successful work life as a career professional and a fulfilling home life as a mother/spouse. Is mastering the socalled work-life balance too much to expect of women in the fastRead… Read more »

OMB Guidance on Administrative Flexibility

It’s not always good news when OMB releases guidance to agencies late on a Friday afternoon. But in this case, it was certainly welcome news! On schedule, OMB issued a memo to agencies providing FAQs and a template on how to comply with President Obama’s February directive to agencies to loosen up a bit. PresidentRead… Read more »

The President’s Push for Telework

The term – workplace flexibility – is all the buzz at the White House. If you watched the live stream of the Workplace Flexibility Forum last week, hosted by The White House (, you know what I mean. The President and First Lady opened and closed the session, discussing the importance of creating workplace practicesRead… Read more »