The Lighter Side of Cybersecurity – 52 Cards Worth
Knowing that you need to be cybersecure and knowing how to be are two different things. Here’s a way to make cybersecurity training a little more fun!
Knowing that you need to be cybersecure and knowing how to be are two different things. Here’s a way to make cybersecurity training a little more fun!
Studies show that talking about work with co-workers when you’re outside of work creates stress. Here is a fun game to make everyone talk about something else. You never know what you may learn about your co-workers or what gems of information you’ll gain.
Engaging your team for that time will not only allow them the space to relax and clear their mind for that time but will continue its impact in job satisfaction even after the ‘fun’.
There are endless ways to deal with stress: exercise, music, meditation, prioritization, etc. But there’s one that government employees don’t talk about as often: laughter.
Let’s face it: most department meetings are lame. A lot of employees would rather have an hour to themselves than go to another boring department meeting. I have observed an unusually high number of urgent customer issues that seem to coincide with my department meetings. Getting your department together in one place all at theRead… Read more »
Last year I teamed up with a brilliant designer here in Ottawa to found a company that aims to bring a little more fun into the public service. Together we’re redefining private-public partnerships by delivering a witty set of designer Ts that are either positively encouraging, derisively subversive, and perfectly ironic to office workers acrossRead… Read more »
I taught a session on writing for the Web today and mentioned that it can be fun to turn common sayings into governmentese and then challenging others to decode them. Here are three examples I came up with. Try your hand at deciphering them. Approximately spherical seed-bearing produce, examples of which can be many colorsRead… Read more »
This is my twice yearly public service blog about Restaurant Week in DC (February 4 -10). Do you take advantage of this? Restaurant Week takes place twice a year, once in the frigid cold of the post-holidays and then again in the dog days of August. Times when diners are likely to be few. ForRead… Read more »
Listen to: ‘’Cause I’m A Govie’ on Audioboo An original rap about public service by me (Andy Blumenthal). Enjoy! Originally posted at my blog thetotalcio. (Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal at the beautiful Romero Britto store)
Ecologist Steve Layman from Geosyntec Consultants and biologist Rick Mayden from Saint Louis University discovered 5 new species of fish. The scientists decided to name a new species after Presidents and Vice Presidents who they wanted to recognize for their influential role in advancing environmental policies. The scientists explained their decision: “We chose President ObamaRead… Read more »