The Lighter Side of Cybersecurity – 52 Cards Worth
Knowing that you need to be cybersecure and knowing how to be are two different things. Here’s a way to make cybersecurity training a little more fun!
Knowing that you need to be cybersecure and knowing how to be are two different things. Here’s a way to make cybersecurity training a little more fun!
Public service is serious business; have some fun teambuilding with your colleagues for more success and camaraderie at work.
Designing Digitally, Inc. at DevLearn Conference & Expo 2012! Designing Digitally, Inc. is excited to announce our attendance at the Devlearn Conference & Expo 2012 – to be held this year in beautifully sunny Las Vegas from October 31st to November 2nd. DevLearn Conference & Expo 2012 is a conference devoted to E-Learning development. AsRead… Read more »
“Gamification is serious business,” according to the Wall Street Journal and their coverage of the Gamification Summit that happened in San Francisco this week – attracting well over 600 individuals from… For the whole story see:
A few weeks ago I shared Valve’s employee handbook, positioning as the defacto office culture that all other office cultures are competing with. Last week I wrote why I believe that organizational learning plans are crutch. What I failed to do was explicitly connect the two in some meaningful way. Consider what follows my attemptRead… Read more »
I remember learning two things from video games in the classroom: how to sell lemonade and make it through the Oregon Trail. Today, students are learning about civics with a new game called Counties Work, designed to increase knowledge of county government. In the game, players act as an elected county decision maker, choosing howRead… Read more »
So you may have heard about that new Hunger Games movie or know a little something a boy named Harry, but honestly, why should you be reading young adult literature (YA Lit)? Isn’t it just for kids? Actually, no, YA Lit is awesome because it can teach some great lessons that you will actually enjoyRead… Read more »
Leadership, Project Management, Tech
Over the past few years, I’ve spent considerable time online exploring many different virtual worlds or 3D immersive spaces. Some of these like World of Warcraft are designed to only offer a gaming experience while others like Second Life look like a game, but do not offer gaming as a primary function. My main reasonRead… Read more »
Career, Human Resources, Leadership, Tech
Learning by doing is one of the oldest ways that businesses, agencies and organizations train new staff and those promoting into new areas of responsibility. The problem with this traditional type of training is that it takes a lot of time, costs a lot of money and there will always be real world errors andRead… Read more »
Most training coordinators and human resource managers have heard of incorporating serious games into ongoing professional development and employee training programs. What these professionals may not realize is the actual potential for learning that 3D simulations offer in virtually any type of work or learning environment. The ability to capitalize on the benefits of thisRead… Read more »