Posts Tagged: Gender

I Am Woman! Hear Me…?

The thought behind this trend is that if women could only speak more like men, we would increase our odds of achieving success in male-dominated environments. But not everyone agrees – an interesting counter argument has risen that begs the question: should women talk more like men at work, or should men talk more like… Read more »

3 Things Women Do That Handcuff Their Earning Potential

It’s no secret that working women still get paid significantly less than their male counterparts. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2013, females over the age of 15 working full-time in the United States earned 78 cents on the dollar compared with men. (Institute for Women’s Policy Research.) (Bureau of Labor Statistics data, viaRead… Read more »

Breaking the Glass Ceiling in Local Government

There’s been a lot of attention paid lately to the 13 percent statistic: the portion of chief administrative officers in local governments that are women stands at 13 percent, roughly the same figure it was in the 1980s. It’s an important issue, and a complicated one, and I asked my colleague Jan Perkins for someRead… Read more »