Posts Tagged: Gender

5 Ways To Unravel A Sexist System

This weekend in synagogue an elderly gentleman introduced himself to my husband. After a lengthy discussion about their respective careers, after talking about his daughter who is apparently highly sought-after by potential employers in a technical field, after asking my younger daughter where she planned to go to college and what she planned to study,Read… Read more »

Why Sisterhood, Still?

Because women are half the population, but not even remotely half of our leadership. Because biased perceptions about women as bosses continues. Because women earn less than men for the same work no matter how you slice it. But still pay more for health care. Because women still do more than their fair share when it come toRead… Read more »

Women in STEM: A Long Way to Go and a Short Time to Get There

Women of color who are trying to break into male dominated fields in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) face both racial and gender bias. Katherine Phillips, the Paul Calello Professor of Leadership and Ethics and Senior Vice Dean at Columbia University’s Business School has another term for this condition after surveying and interviewing 617Read… Read more »

6 Ways to Engage Your Workforce

Adding on to my last post on the Women’s Empowerment (WE) initiative in Kansas City, Missouri, we are looking closely at our internal practices to build a more inclusive, diverse city government. As a woman, a new mom, and coming from the male-dominated profession of architecture, I am acutely aware of some of the barriersRead… Read more »

Getting More Women in City Hall: Leveraging Private-Public Partnerships for Equity

I was hired as the first female Chief Innovation Officer in the country in early 2013 and I have to admit I think that is pretty cool. However, I am also very much aware of the gender gap that I see around me in meetings at City Hall and with community stakeholders. Often it isRead… Read more »

Compete Like a Man, Lead Like a Woman

Yesterday morning, I attended Drupal GovDays 2013 at the National Institutes of Health campus. While I have limited web design and coding experience, I found the conference valuable in that it showcased the power of technology in bringing people together to discuss leading practices and new tools. The depth and breadth of the speaker topicsRead… Read more »

Female Athletes and Social Expectations

The 2012 Olympics were important for female athletes everywhere. For the first time since, well, ever, every nation competing fielded at least one female athlete. Which was great. Of course, we also had Hairgate, where Twitter users got their collective panties in a bunch because Gabby Douglas was more concerned with winning two gold medalsRead… Read more »

E-government and sex

Amongst the many papers presented at the Ethicomp 2010 conference was one by Georgia Foteinou, consultant on e-government within the EU and new member states, and researcher at Oxford. Her paper is entitled “E-exclusion and the gender digital divide“. Georgia has examined the available data from Cap Gemini’s exercises on behalf of the EU, whichRead… Read more »