Human-Centered Design Isn’t Just for Designers
Here’s how government leaders are infusing human-centered design into their everyday work and across their teams.
Here’s how government leaders are infusing human-centered design into their everyday work and across their teams.
As opposed to applying office expectations to the remote world, new expectation-setting can go a long way in an arena where the rules are yet to be written.
As Georgia’s Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), David Allen has seen many ransomware attacks. In some cases, agencies have bounced back in days. In others, they’ve been reduced to using pen and paper.
In Georgia, digital services don’t end at IT consultations and website updates. Instead, they’ve prioritized a human-centric experience.
With digital innovation on the rise across the country, every state has a best practice or two to offer. Learn what Georgia is doing to better engage their citizens.
Today, citizens have come to expect fast, efficient and accessible services from government agencies. But to be successful, agencies must ensure that their digital strategies increase user engagement and address opportunities to save money. Managed cloud platforms and open source software are enabling agencies to do both.
Happy Monday, Govloopers – where ever you are, we hope you have a Happy Labor Day!! Just so you know, here’s the history of Labor Day. This is the day we celebrate the American Worker, including all of those in the public, private, and non-profit sectors. We’ve made this the greatest country in world. AndRead… Read more » How would America respond to another terrorist attack on its soil? We never thought very much about that before 9/11, back when the subject of terrorism only came up in discussions about other countries. The topic is still one we avoid, but it’s not too soon to consider it, because U.S. government officials haveRead… Read more »
It’s finally here!!! Everyone remain calm. Okay, the Hokie Guru told you to remain calm. That was classic… the Hokie Guru will always remember Kevin Bacon’s first movie… By the way, the great thing about the first weekend of college football is that it’s played ALL weekend long… through Labor Day… which most of usRead… Read more »
The Hokie Guru caught up on a movie last night… Something New… You did what? With who? Well, can he? It’s everything that it’s advertised… the Hokie Guru loved it… you need to see it. Let’s get hyped up!!!! Let’s get it started… with the Conference that’s won the last three national championships… the SoutheasternRead… Read more »