Posts Tagged: Google

The day I went to Google New York

In almost every area they compete Google dominates…mail, maps, search and mobile. With over 500,000 Android devices being activated everyday there is little doubt that Google’s mobile operating system will continue to be a giant contender in the field. So while in New York I popped into their offices to talk with Eric Obenzinger whoRead… Read more »

Want Google+ To Be Your One-Stop-Shop: Start G+

No need to write a long drawn out discussion here on the pros and cons of Google+ as we have all spent a lot of time “discussing” said topic. However, I did stumble across something awesome last night and wanted to share it with the believers and non-believers: Start G+ ( Start G+ is aRead… Read more »

Mass Media Engagement: How Journalists are Using Google+

By now most are probably like me, someone who actually likes Google+ (Transparency), are probably starting to grow a little wary of the number of blogs on Google+ that talk about how awesome or un-awesome (it’s a word..seriously..) it is. Okay, fair enough, I have written my share on this topic and comments until myRead… Read more »

What is Govloop to YOU?

With so many different types of social networks now present in today’s society and Google adding yet another one to the mix, I have often wondered if it is truly fair to reference Govloop as the, “Facebook for Government.” Sure, at the time, the reference was the most clear picture that could be provided toRead… Read more »

The New Apple vs. PC: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Google+ Beta

I’ve been making this case from the middle ground for a while now: What we have here is an up and coming “battle” of social networking sites that will ultimately hinge on people’s personal preference, ability to be influenced by the masses, and even driven by their discontent with the competing technology. Or, to putRead… Read more »

For Your Consideration: Facebook More “Private” Than Google+? A Closer Look Down the Rabbit Hole..

I have seen a lot of discussion on the privacy of Facebook vs. Google+ and have felt the need to really dive into this topic as it seems most are unaware of the functionality and/or actual usage of information we as end users provide to Facebook and Google. Unlike facebook, which allows access controls atRead… Read more »

Facebook v. Google+ What It’s Really about Is Connectivity

Yesterday, I commented on Dannielle Blumenthal’s “5 Reasons Why Facebook will beat Google+ Easily” In essence: I disagree. Here are Dannielle’s reasons: Brand: She says “Facebook is about staying connected with friends. Google is about making the world’s data searchable.” But to me, and most people with GMail, Picasa, Blogger, and Reader accounts, (to sayRead… Read more »