Posts Tagged: Gov

Small Businesses Are Struggling and Government Inter Agency Panel Is Trying To Fix The Problem

On Monday June 28, 2010, 500 business owner travelled to Washington DC from all parts of the country to speak to the the newly formed Inter Agency Task Force on Small Business Contracting. The White House in April established a pair of interagency task forces to help federal agencies award more contracts to small businesses.Read… Read more »

Project of the Week: OAS Summits of the Americas Virtual Community The Organization of American States (OAS, or, as it is known in the three other official languages, OEA) is an international organization, headquartered in Washington, D.C.. Its members are the thirty-five independent states of the Americas, although Honduras was suspended as a result of the June 28, 2009 coup d’état that expelled President ManuelRead… Read more »

More Online Training – You Asked. We Listened.

We’re always hearing from our customers that they need more lead time to know the classes that we’ll be offering, especially because many agencies require employees to put in their training requests for the next fiscal year sometime in the summer. So I’m excited that for the first time Web Manager University will be announcingRead… Read more »

DCWEEK Fires Up Govvies

What do fire dancers have to do with technology? Attendees at the opening night party of DC Week had a chance to find out. Digital Capital Week (DCWEEK) is a 10 day festival in Washington, DC focused on technology, innovation and all things digital in our nation’s capital. DCWEEK takes place in venues throughout WashingtonRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 and Organizational Culture

Two interesting articles about organizational culture in the latest issue of the “Journal of Organizational Change Management.” The first article is a cultural analysis of organizational memory and its role in organizational change while the second article describes how organizational memory can hinder learning a new technology. In the first article, McCabe gives a moreRead… Read more »

‘To Have and To Hold, Til Twitter Us Do Part.’ Join us on #localgovchat tonight 6/2 at 9 EST.

How do you manage your relationship with social media AND the real people in your life? I was looking at old pics, like the one above from my wedding in 2003, and was started wondering: How many Twitpics would I have sent from the limo. Would I have updated my Facebook relationship status to “married”Read… Read more »

To Restore Public Distrust-Increase Insourcing.

The very notion of Insourcing which is defined by hiring more government employees versus government procuring these services from government contractors at this time is a sign of a very disconnected government. We at Open Government TV have watched too much hard work from the White House, to Agency leadership, to both the House andRead… Read more »

Better Buy is Like Best Ball in Golf. Try it…It’s fun and rewarding.

A few weeks ago, my church Alfred Street Baptist had a Mens Retreat that opened with a good old fashioned golf outing. For those of you who don’t know what Best Ball is, let me explain. In a foursome (4 golfers playing against other groups of 4). The golfers hit off the tee and theRead… Read more »

New Congress Application for iPhone and Android Puts Government Info Right In Your “Palm”

Since getting my new HTC Droid Incredible, I’ve been gleefully exploring the growing number of applications available for Android. This week I was thrilled to discover CONGRESS, a new Open Source Android application by Sunlight Labs. Technology and Politics are two of my passions. I’m a huge proponent of open and transparent government and regularlyRead… Read more »