Posts Tagged: gov2

What if it works? ⎯ Vision Meets the Challenges of Gov 2.0.

One of the key fears inhibiting government adoption of Gov 2.0 strategies is simple: What if it works? We have to answer this question honestly. Otherwise Gov 2.0 will fail because it will be neither credible nor trusted by citizens or the agencies asked to implement Gov 2.0 practices. Vision forward What does a GovRead… Read more »

The National Dialogue: What Happens When Government Agencies Create an Illusion of Meritocracy

I have received at least 10 emails suggesting participation in “the National Dialogue”, a companion to the Web site designed to “discover” technology solutions to achieve transparency. Tonight I finally was able to visit the site and contributed 3 “ideas”. How frustrating. Here is why. First, let me underscore that outreach is an admirableRead… Read more »

A “Network Perspective”

“Build Community!” “Social Media” “Twitter!” “Facebook” – the battle cries of a new generation in business, government and media. But what do these demands mean? What practical impact do they have? Intuitively, we know that many people together are stronger than few people acting alone. Yet, in most walks of life we live in aRead… Read more »