Posts Tagged: gov20

Understanding what’s happening with UK Government Digital

I was trawling through old posts last night and came across Nick Halliday’s post on blogs he had been asked to suggest were included on govloop. His suggestions were as follows: Steph Gray – Helpful technology – essential – Dave Briggs – Davepress – essential – Carl Haggerty – Carl’s Notepad – StefanRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: January 27, 2012

Updated to include Dan Chenok’s contributions. Gadi Ben-Yehuda The Metaphor Edition! Is Identifying-information Radioactive? Cory Doctorow makes the case that it is in the Guardian article, “Personal data is as hot as nuclear waste.” Great sub-head: “We should treat personal electronic data with the same care and respect as weapons-grade plutonium – it is dangerous,Read… Read more »

Engaging Audiences: Jan 26 Live Action Twitter Webinar

The fun folks at GSA’s Center for Excellence in Digital Government are raising the bar in social media training. You are invited to join us for a not-so-typical Twitter webinar! We’re ditching the slides and bringing you live interaction, the same way you actually use social media. All questions will be answered, no subject isRead… Read more »

A reflection on Hackathons in 2011

While I am reflecting, I thought it a good time to consider hackathons. In 2011 the term “hackathon” became common and many cities all over the world opened datasets for developers to build applications around. Below are some lesson’s learned to better position a hackathon to a government context: Lesson learned #1: A hackathon isRead… Read more »

My Gov20 New Year’s Resolutions: Generate, Discriminate, Donate

I’m a sunrise kind of person. A morning person. An Aries. I’m an INTP: every day, for me, is a new construction site, and yesterday’s blueprints are, at best, guidelines for today’s crew. That’s why I love New Years’ celebrations, and why I always try to make attainable, ambitious resolutions. With regards to work, andRead… Read more »

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year: Our Favorite Social Media Moments from 2011

From our USDA Blog – The Most Wonderful Time of the Year: Our Favorite Social Media Moments from 2011. It’s been an exciting year for USDA Web Communications, stepping in to new territory and pushing the bounds of government social networking and outreach. Coming from a traditional press operation in an agency setting, I’m thrilledRead… Read more »

Congress likely to partially restore eGov funding

From the article: Transparency advocates claimed a partial victory in the inclusion of $12.4 million for the flagship Electronic Government Fund in the omnibus spending package that is going before Congress for a vote on Dec. 16. The eGov fund pays for high-profile open government and innovation initiatives including, Federal IT Dashboard, andRead… Read more »