Posts Tagged: gov20

CityCamp Colorado Recap

The 2nd annual CityCamp Colorado was held on October 28, 2011, with about sixty participants from eighteen cities and counties around Colorado, several private IT sector leaders, members of academia, and the engaged public. (Cross posted from the Open Colorado website, Here’s a rundown of how the day went: Opening remarks from Tom Downey,Read… Read more »

Zombies in Missouri

Instead of running our usual “be safe while hunting” news releases this year, we went with an Invasive Species: Zombies post. So instead of hitting our usual audience, who mostly reads the headline and forgets the article, we tied in with zombies and encouraged hunters to watch out for them this fall. Response has beenRead… Read more »

Tracking Your Social Media Impact/Engagement (Open Source Edition)

If you aren’t following the work of Jason Calacanis (Mahalo, ThisWeekIn, etc), the short answer is you probably should. Like many others at the tech forefront and the many start up guru’s of the West Coast, Jason is one that loves to share his ideas, his work, ideas with others, and simply just provide informationRead… Read more »

Top 5 GovLoop Groups to Join

Groups on GovLoop have become a great resource for govies to communicate with peers and find information on anything from open jobs or free trainings to successful Gov 2.0 technology uses. Here’s a look at the top five groups I think GovLoopers should consider joining: Government 2.0 Club A gathering place for technologists and thinkersRead… Read more »

Why face-to-face events about digital communications are important

With increased budget pressures and constraints on our schedules with expanding workloads, finding time to attend a face-to-face event is difficult. Not that there are many face-to-face events anymore: studies show that 60% of US marketers are planning to increase their spend on virtual events while 42% plan to decrease their spend around physical eventsRead… Read more »

Government Website Development: Looking Forward and Saving Money

I got to thinking the other day..which is a scary concept at times..when I was informed that the E-Gov initiatives in government cost the great taxpayers of this nation millions of dollars a year. Wait, roll that one back: Yup, I said the words 1.) Millions and 2.) Years in that sentence. So, let meRead… Read more »

Lighting the Darkness

[Publicly-shareable version of this post (not protected by login):] As of Thursday evening, 9/8/11, much of Southern California, Arizona and Northern Mexico remain in darkness due to an apparent, tripped 500k volt power line near Yuma, AZ, that has resulted in major, regional power outages. Friends and colleagues in our Crisis Commons community areRead… Read more »

Tonight’s Special Guest on #localgovchat: Reno’s Kristy ‘GovGirl’ Fifelski

Fifelski’s most recent vlog on the ‘searchification’ of of government websites We are excited to have Kristy Fifelski, @kristyfifelski, web manager for the City of Reno and creator of, as our special guest tonight on #localgovchat. Kristy manages the award-winning website and employee intranet by day and recently began an exciting new videoRead… Read more »