Posts Tagged: gov20

Book excerpt: What does web 2.0 mean for the government?

Recently, the Dutch Civil Servant 2.0 books have been translated in English. Steve asked me to post some excerpts from my books on Govloop. This is the beginning of chapter 5 in the first book (from 2008!), where I try to project the web 2.0 change onto government, governmental organisations and civil servants. What doesRead… Read more »

Open Government Isn’t Something One Person Can Own – It Belongs To All of Us

Originally posted on the Phase One Consulting Group’s Government Transformation Blog. As the firestorm over the future of Open Government raged across Twitter and blogs early last week following Vivek Kundra’s departure announcement, there were federal employees quietly scheduling meetings, chatting in the hallways or just simply asking questions about how Open Government can helpRead… Read more »

Making Mobile Gov: Discuss Mobile Budget

Day two of the Making Mobile Gov challenges rollout is about the mobile budget. Mobile projects–like all projects–are subject to available budget. Efforts can be delayed, cut-back or stopped without proper funding. It’s an even bigger challenge since mobile efforts are new and government budget cycles are long. Mobile costs can include data cleanup, mobileRead… Read more »

Using social media for non-traditional forms of scholarship

During the last year I was a frequent guest speaker at different University-wide lecture series to talk about my research findings but also my personal use of social media applications as a scholar. I reported about the diverse social media applications I have tested (and abandoned) in the classroom, but also provided insights into howRead… Read more »

Top 9 Things I Learned in Berlin

So I’m in Berlin this week talking to folks in Germany about social networks and collaborations. In the course of conversations and beers, I learned a ton about how public service works over here in Germany. Here’s 9 things I found interesting: 1) 41 hours per week – Professional civil servants work 41 hours perRead… Read more »

ROI on US “Campaign to Cut Waste” from the UK Experience

This is my first attempt using storify to capture a discussion. Let me know if you’ve found better ways to use the tool-I found it pretty user friendly! This story summarizes some twitter conversations that relate to several US Executive Orders on Customer Service and website consolidation. There are a lot of orders being released,Read… Read more »

[Update] Crowdsourcing Citizen Engagement: Tools for Information Architecture & “Wicked Problems”

UPDATE: For those who weren’t able to attend Paul Culmsee’s seminar, you can check out video and slides here. He starts with a great comparison of Government 2.0 in the US, UK, Australia and New Zealand and even riffs off a 2010 GovLoop discussion by Bill Brantley and Andrew Krzmarzick. Enjoy! /// Wanted to shareRead… Read more »