Posts Tagged: gov20

Third Thursdays SF – Organizing Local Gov 2.0

In San Francisco, the loss of a charismatic mayor who served as a social media and civic tech booster-in-chief within city government came as something of a blow to Gov 2.0 advocates last year. However, we rebounded by shifting our focus to building the civic tech and open government community of line workers, developers, activistsRead… Read more »

New Book on Kindle – Internet Voting Now!

My New Book is now on Kindle – Internet Voting Now! Here’s How. Here’s Why – So We can Kiss Citizens United Goodbye! Like the horseless carriage 100 years ago, Internet voting is coming to the USA. Not only is it convenient and green, but security has been proven manageable by e-commerce. Security scaresRead… Read more »

How to make the flowers bloom: why open data is necessary but not sufficient to make a difference

[cross-posted from London Datastore blog post of 31 March 2011] Earlier this month, colleagues from local and central government, bloggers, community activists and developers got together at an event organised by @Madwdata – making a difference with data to discuss how open public data could be used to make a difference. The MakingRead… Read more »

What to do during #Shutdown? Women in SharePoint DC Networking Event 4/28/11

As many have mentioned here regarding the looming shutdown, focusing on resilency, positive outlook, and even beards are part of the game plan for many. For those not prone to growing beards (LOL) consider attending some of the tech and networking events you don’t have time to attend during overly busy work weeks. Here’s WomenRead… Read more »

Happy One Year Anniversary! A Year of Progress in Open Government

Though it’s being overshadowed by the budget discussions this week, it’s important to note (and celebrate!) that today (April 7th) is the one year anniversary of Agency Open Government Plans. Just one year ago, almost 30 plans were released from cabinet-level and independent Agencies that detailed how they would become more: Transparent in their work;Read… Read more »

Simpl – the Social Innovation Marketplace – is open for business

Today is an important day for me and my colleagues, because today Simpl, the Social Innovation Marketplace, opens its doors to the world. Simpl is a website that enables people in government agencies to source innovative ideas for improving public services, and rather than being a funding platform, the marketplace is all about the exchangeRead… Read more »

How not to engage

Originally posted here: Hot on the heals of the announced cuts to the US online transparency programme comes another example of “How not to do Gov2.0” For those of you who may not be aware, the New Zealand city of Christchurch suffered a large earth quake (6.1 on the scale) back in late February,Read… Read more »

Civil Protection 2.0 – More from Elena Rapisardi in Tuscany

Some of you will remember an earlier blog post about the webconference that Elena Rapisardi and I convened, in January, 2010, among people in Virginia, New Orleans, Boston, Italy (University of Ferrara campus) and in Dublin, with the generous assistance of Management Concepts staff. Elena, a member of the GovLoop community, continues her groundbreaking effortsRead… Read more »

Congress cuts Data.Gov

Originally published: Once again someone is doing it wrong on the internet and I feel I need to point it out. In this case, the someone is the United States congress, which as part of its budgetary battle with the whitehouse has decided to reduce funding for a range of Gov2.0/Open Government initiatives fromRead… Read more »