Posts Tagged: gov20

When NOT to Take the Lead: Partnering with Academia to Solve Our Nation’s Problems

It’s been over a month since my last posting on my featured jennovation series on Govloop and the Phase One Consulting Group (POCG) Transformation in the Federal Sector Blog, but for good reason. It’s been a busy Fall season on many fronts: POCG’s Growing Open Gov and Innovation Team: POCG has recently hired two rockRead… Read more »

Fantasy Policy League: How to Connect the Data with the Passion

It’s late Monday evening, so I’m focusing on what many government innovation professionals and millions of Americans alike are sweating over – Fantasy Football statistics and trash talking with colleagues on Twitter. Tonight Matt Miszewski was the pilgrim who walked into this unholy land, he being a Packers fan, and me needing the Bears’ JayRead… Read more »

Public Participation: Four Common Misconceptions

This is an abbreviated version of an article on the Intellitics blog. Read the full post here: Public Participation: Four Common Misconceptions Based on my observations listening to the discussions around Open Government, the following four aspects of the term public participation tend to get easily and commonly confused: 1) Public participation applies strictly toRead… Read more »

Lessons from NAGW 2010

* cross-posted on I just got back from the wildly useful annual conference of the National Association of Government Webmasters in the architecturally beautiful City of St. Louis. Here’s a summary of my personal highlights from the conference. Keynote speaker web usability whiz Jared Spool offered an entertaining look at usability, including how educationalRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0: Creating New Civic Activists

In presenting on social media for local government, I try to emphasize that it’s not about the tool, it’s about the innovation. It’s about engaging people who may not naturally visit your web site or your city hall, but still care deeply about their government and their community. It’s about meeting people where they areRead… Read more »

The New SECTOR: PUBLIC – Smart Opinion On Tech, Innovation, and Public Good

Yesterday during the / UN Foundation “Social Good Summit” in New York, I launched something I’ve been working on for a while behind the scenes at Microsoft’s public sector division. It’s a new website (geeks: WordPress running on Windows Server… and eventually Windows Azure cloud) called SECTOR: PUBLIC. (Get it? Like Mission: Impossible? Hey,Read… Read more »

Notes from GAO – Challenges in Federal Use of Web 2.0 Technologies

At NAPA Collaboration Project event focused on GAO Report – Challenges in Federal Use of Web 2.0 Technologies Short, easy report – it’s testimony, not a full report -have another ongoing review that is broader Requested by Chaiman Clay, House Subcommittee on Information Policy, Census, and National Archives Objectives-Identify current uses of web 2.0 technologiesRead… Read more »

Member of Week – Kevin Curry & CityCamp Story

I’m a big fan of Kevin Curry and the whole CityCamp movement….so thought I would reach out and hear a little a bit about the history of CityCamp and where it is going. 1 – What is CityCamp? CityCamp is an unconference focused on innovation for municipal governments and community organizations. Our tag line isRead… Read more »