Posts Tagged: gov20

Re-Thinking Performance Metrics in Federal Agencies

In a Federal News Radio conversation with reporter Francis Rose and two other guests – Robert Shea, a former OMB executive, and Jon Desenberg, with the Performance Institute – we talked about the Obama Administration’s performance initiatives to date, and the potential implications for agency efforts to measure performance. Shea said “people miss some ofRead… Read more »

Sunshine 2.0 – What is your government doing? Survey, slides

I’ve cleared the decks this week. Today, I am digging deep into the draft Sunshine 2.0 guide for the national League of Women Voters. I’ve been drawing on my early e-government days in Minnesota state government and my many speaking trips where I’ve collected some of the best examples of democracy online supported by governmentRead… Read more »

Open Data: When Uniformity Becomes a Virtue

Open data encourage transparency, accountability, and citizen engagement, all ideals of democracy. But context is equally vital, and unfortunately it’s often missing from the open data conversation. While individual states and cities have taken action to open up their books, little has been done to regulate and structure their data so that the information canRead… Read more »

Congress Simplifying a Process? Making Prizes more attractive to the Federal Government…

Prizes and competitions provide one way to stimulate innovation and tap “solver communities” that may not have been leveraged previously when considering some of our nation’s grand challenges (see my blog posting from the White House/ Case Foundation event on prizes and competitions in April where I discuss this assertion in more detail). Building onRead… Read more »

Global Gov 2.0 – Citizens Make the State 2.0 (Austria)

Translated from “Bürger machen Staat 2.0” in Economy Austria (interview with GovLoop’er Philipp Mueller):Citizens Make the State 2.0 Philipp Mueller: “With Government 2.0, the state loses its monopoly on creating the common good. Government can not accomplish it alone; it must join with the citizen”says the Director of Public Management and Governance at the SalzburgRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – August 7, 2010

The beat goes on: Stephanie Gerson: Moneyball, policy wikis, and government 2.0 Aliya Stenstein: EPA posts toxic data early to encourage crowdsourcing Jenara Nerenberg: Now Chile Wants a Silicon Valley of Its Own – But Where’s the Homegrown Talent? Tom Philpott: The history of urban agriculture should inspire its future Tim O’Reilly: Opening the doorsRead… Read more »

Greetings in the Name of Global Gov 2.0, My Dear GovLoopians!

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ “Letters to the GovLoopians” – GovLoop Pastor and Evangelist Highlights Global Gov 2.0 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Greetings in the name of awesomeness, GovLoopians! My dear associate, Stephen (a full-time martyr for the cause of GovLoop), beseeched me to write to you about the things I have seen in my travels across the World Wide Web. Therefore,Read… Read more »

The Ethics of Public Participation

This post was originally published on the Intellitics blog on Thursday, August 5, 2010: The Ethics of Public Participation. Subscribe to our blog via RSS or follow us on Twitter. It seems the topic of ethics and integrity in public participation is coming up more often these days (see my comments here, here). Just forRead… Read more »