Posts Tagged: gov20

Notes from the NJ Statehouse

So I spoke at the New Jersey statehouse on GovLoop last week. Here are some notes from the other sessions: -Watched video of Socialnomics -Listening first, selling second -Iran presidential elections -State Department sent social media experts to Russia for diplomatic piece -Mexico- use Twitter to talk about locations where violence has occurred -PR andRead… Read more »

Application development in the Internet age

The point of this post: Just as the web changed our model of content publishing, so it will change our model of application development. Government IT shops need to evolve to keep up. Publishing and the Web Once upon a time, a writer would write a book (and re-write it and re-write it). Then aRead… Read more »

How to Be Open and Agile – Notes from OGI – Cory Ondrejka

So I’m here at Open Gov and Innovations and just heard the keynote Cory Ondrejka talk about Open and Agile. Here’s my notes:-It’s hard to be fearless-Hard to lead fearlessly-Get others to follow your examples-How can we keep up in an accelerated world-People predict linear growth, but reality is discontinuous -Usually less short term changeRead… Read more »

Lessons for Driving the President’s Innovation Agenda through Prizes and Competitions

On April 30, 2010, over 200 public and private sector participants convened at the Department of Housing and Urban Development to think big about how the Government can learn from the emerging trend to use prizes and competitions to solve some of the grand challenges of our time. This event, led by Robynn Sturm fromRead… Read more »

Strike Back in the War for the Web: Government Portals 2.0

Just over a year ago, I wrote a post advocating local governments building their own Ning networks. I’m more convinced that ever that social portals are the future for local govs, and I’d like to see San Francisco embrace such an effort around its non-emergency 311 services center and capacity-building initiatives out of the DepartmentRead… Read more »

My Vision for FedSpace (even though nobody asked me)

For the past few days I’ve been mulling over the announcement of a new social networking system for Federal employess. According to an April 27 article in the Federal Times, it will be unveiled later this year. At first I had a cynical reaction along the lines of, “Oh great. Just what we need. AnotherRead… Read more »

Join #localgovchat tonight 4/28 at 9 EST. Focusing on topics from #govwebcon. Join us!

Today was an extremely busy day for #gov20 and #opengov events and tons of great topics. I was following the tweets from #govwebcon (especially @gwynnek and @levyj413) and thought this could lead to some great discussion on content, feedback, technology, public relations, transaction vs. information, and more. So anyone who doesn’t want the conversation toRead… Read more »