Posts Tagged: gov20

How-To: Grab Video and Audio from the Web

Update (3/15/2010): I just found this simple little bookmarklet that makes it dead simple to download any YouTube video. Additionally, there’s another post here on GovLoop that links to what someone intends to be the definitive guide to YouTube with a lot of download options, software, and many other things.________________________________________I’m prefacing this post with theRead… Read more »

Persuasive Networks

Words can be powerful. They influence purchases – “I’ll buy this good over that good”. “This good is better for me”. “I want that”. In government, they affect public opinion – “I am/am not for government sponsored healthcare reform”, “ I am for less taxes” “We need more roads”. This is why the industry ofRead… Read more »

I am Amver video project

Since the IMO declared 2010 the Year of the Seafarer we thought we could expand on that campaign and put together an Amver video. Amver would not be a success without the work and dedication of mariners and rescue controllers. The other part of Amver are the survivors. All of these pieces make the AmverRead… Read more »

Navigating the Social Media Landscape

“Social Media” is a squishy topic to a lot of people, and particularly to decision makers within many organizations. The gurus seem to know what they are talking about — mostly — but even the concept of “social media expert” is riddled with fallacy. The problem, as I see it, is that social media hasRead… Read more »

FedRecruit: IT Kickoff Event (Phase II)

FedRecruit: IT Kickoff Event (Phase II)On Monday, March 8, the Partnership for Public Service released an issue brief on the state of the IT workforce that highlights the growing need for IT talent, an increasing retirement eligibility and insufficient talent pipelines. Link to the issue brief here: The kickoff event highlighted the launch of PhaseRead… Read more »

Rewarding Innovation In Government

Yesterday I read an article ( by Doug Beizer that profiled the White House’s new policy on carrying out contests to spur innovation. I think it’s grand that the White House recognizes the power of using gaming and rewards mechanisms within an innovation setting; however, it challenges agencies to develop this with little direction asRead… Read more »