Posts Tagged: gov20

How-To: Conference Tweets – So, you’ve just finished a conference, and don’t want to lose all those Tweets….

This weekend I attended the rather fantastic Open City Workshop in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. If you don’t know much about what’s happening in Edmonton, you should probably check out Adriel Hampton’s recent post on the critical mass for awesomeness that’s happening there. There’s a innovative team at work in Edmonton which is a great modelRead… Read more »

Researching Digital Government of the 21st Century

A group of researchers from some of the top schools with programs related to digital government got together last month to discuss the role of research in the digital government arena, it’s importance for the future, and how to get it better funded. The get-together was entitled “Information, Technology, and Governance: A Grand Challenges ResearchRead… Read more »

VideoNation – Drapeau vs Ressler, Democratization of Content, Why Govloop Rocks,

I shot a number of quick videos when I was out in Microsoft HQ last week. Here they are..hope you enjoy. Ressler vs Drapeau as we are about to enter the stage. Microsoft’s Kristin Bockius talking why she loves GovLoop. Talking with expert videographer David Patterson on how to quickly shoot video these days Favorite

Now playing: “This Week in Participation” (TWiP)

We’re in the process of launching “This Week in Participation” (TWiP), a new podcast slash interview series slash internet radio show on, you guessed it, participation. The first couple of episodes went live earlier this week: TWiP 1: Urgent Evoke (11 minutes) TWiP 2: Crowdstorming (14 minutes) The format is pretty casual. WeRead… Read more »

Kudos to Michigan

Yesterday, the State of Michigan rolled out a major update to the portal. CIO Ken Theis, quoted in Government Technology magazine, suggests, “Visitors to the site can [now] access five times the amount of information without leaving the home page. It’s a more useful and pleasing site and it positions Michigan with one ofRead… Read more »

Designing Government for the People

I was talking to a co-worker about our office’s reconfiguration plans, which involve merging divisions and training employees to handle a wider variety of customer needs. It’s a nice plan, and it is likely to benefit our customers by removing the layers they have to dig through to get to the services they need. InRead… Read more »

Rockin’ it at the London LocalGovCamp

We had a fantastic London LocalGovCamp yesterday. LocalGovCamp is really a series of events across the country – local government unconferences focusing on the use of social media and collaboration in local government (and it’s not all techy – lots of it is about rethinking the way local government works and radical efficiency). For theRead… Read more »