Posts Tagged: gov20

Thanks For Amazing First #localgovchat! Transcript Posted.

All I can say is wow. Despite about 45 nervous seconds of initial silence as Seesmic reloaded, the first inaugural #localgovchat went extremely well with more than 60 contributors and 295 tweets in an hour. We had localgovvies from Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Virginia City of London (Canada), Tennessee, Texas, Illinois, Australia, California, Toronto and more.Read… Read more »

Public Sector is Multi-Sector. Do you believe it?

Public Sector is Multi-Sector. Do you believe it? As I wrote previously, I believe that public sector is multi-sector. I continuously see my friends and colleagues who are passionate about public service do it from a number of angles. Some are government employees. Some are contractors. Some are authors. Some run non-profits. But all trulyRead… Read more »

Public servants: What are you broadcasting via social media?

It seems we’re regularly being served additional reminders about the way we sometimes use social messaging to our detriment, and with increasing frequency, how it is sometimes being used against us. Consider the Janine Krieber kerfuffle, where the wife of former Canadian Liberal Party leader Stephane Dion criticized the current state of the party inRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: and “The Citizen Initiator”

We in the States know how a new government with new ideas about transparency and new technology to implement them can make a difference in public perception. Other nations’ new governments are taking a lesson from our shores, and experiencing positive feedback as a result. But is this kind of foray into participatory democracy reallyRead… Read more »

So what is this #localgovchat thingy anyway?

So what exactly is #localgovchat and what do we hope to accomplish? As you can see from our first post, we want to start what we hope to be an ongoing, open dialogue between local government communicators – public relations, community outreach, webmasters, graphic designers – in hopes of sharing ideas, our successes and ourRead… Read more »

Multiple Generations in the Government Workplace

Listen to GovLoop’s own Andy Krzmarzick talk about Multiple Generations in the Government Workplace on today’s Gov 101 Radio podcast.–multiple-generations-in-the-government-workplace Gov 101 Radio was created to go in-the-trenches of government and how it functions on a detailed level. If you’re interested in sharing your expertise on our show, please e-mail us at [email protected].

OSD Joins the Navy/Sole-Source Fray!

In the days since my last post, William J. Lynne, Deputy Secretary of Defense, signed a policy memorandum covering the use of internet-based capabilities — including social media. Because of this memo, I listened to a blogtalkradio broadcast of an interview with Price Floyd, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs. During his interview, IRead… Read more »

Secure Use of Social Media, California Style

Lost in the shuffle last week when the DoD rolled out their social media policy was another similar rollout by the state of California (PDF here; LA Times Story here). “The more we increase the state’s online presence to enhance communication and transparency, the better we are able to serve Californians,” said Teri Takai, California’sRead… Read more »

DoD Publishes a Common Sense Approach to Social Media

The long awaited Department of Defense Social Media policy was announced with much fanfare Friday and it is an incredibly well thought out common sense approach that has public affairs officers world wide rejoicing. It has been a long time coming for the evangelists of new media in the ranks who have been battling forRead… Read more »

Crowdsourcing DNA – Realizing that each engagement has its own footprint

First, the definition that we have at PubliVate of crowdsourcing can be narrow in comparison to how others use the term. The story I read and am referencing and talking about below would not necessarily be something that we see a lot of in our engagements, as of yet. But…we certainly consider that it isRead… Read more »