Posts Tagged: gov20

Leadership for Vision, Action and Impact (Gov20 L.A.)

Note: I’m live-blogging today’s sessions at the Gov2.0 L.A. City Camp. Our twitter hashtag is #gov20la, and since I’m live-blogging this post is incomplete. Please check back next week for the edited version with more links, plus video, audio, etc. This post references the Harvard Kennedy School’s Government 2.0 Research Survey. If you haven’t takenRead… Read more »

Project of the Week – Native Cultures 2.0

So much of the 2.0 part of the web is community in collaboration. One of the emerging questions with this technology and tools is – how does it benefit all Americans or help to reach traditionally underserved populations? What caught our attention this month is how native communities are using Web 2.0 tools to enhanceRead… Read more »

What is the Crowdsourcing recipe for success?

While our livelihood at PubliVate revolves around crowdsourcing (or ideation, innovation management, idea sourcing, idea collection…would be good to land on a common title…part of the growing up process, I suppose), it has been fascinating over the last few years to watch the area evolve. A central focus for us from our earliest days hasRead… Read more »

Towards a More Transparent and Collaborative Government: One Year In

The other day I was having lunch with Rich Dougherty, the CEO of Expert Choice, a collaboration software company in Arlington, VA that is a client of mine. We were discussing the trends towards a more transparent and collaborative federal government. I decided to record it with my iPhone and turn it into an interview.Read… Read more »

Spam Hyperlinks and Personal Information on Government Blogs

Here in Massachusetts, we moderate comments on all of our Commonwealth Conversations blogs. While our comment policies obviously lean heavily on the side of First Amendment rights, they’re in place to protect our employees, bloggers, readers, and commenters. When moderating comments, I think it’s natural to want to scan the comments for obvious violations (i.e.,Read… Read more »

How-To: Do Research on Government 2.0 Using Social Media

[Note: This was originally posted to my blog 7/10/09] Just to be clear, this is not an abstract example. While I employ this methodology for a number of communities and topics, the one I will use as an illustration here is what is generally referred to as “Government 2.0”. Also, you may notice that thisRead… Read more »