Posts Tagged: gov20

Thoughts on Gov 2.0 and Israel

So just got an opportunity to tell “The GovLoop Story” to Israel government officials who are looking how to use social media and social networking in their own country. Actually, Israel has created its own community based on the GovLoop concept and I felt honored by saying GovLoop was an inspiration. After my talk, IRead… Read more »

Sweden’s Vision of eGovernment

I haven’t had a chance to read this document yet, but wanted to share it with you. Looks like it was published November 2009, but I just saw it float across the #Gov20 hashtag. If you review it, I’m sure GovLoop’ers would be eager to get your thoughts. Sweden eGovernment of Tomorrow Favorite

Its not just about technology – its also very much about organisational structure

If you are a long serving computing practitioner who has been through mainframes in data centres to mini computers in departmental computing and then to PC Networks and IT you might just recall hearing about Conway’s Law. Well its coming back again as we move into Clouds! Melvin Conway thesis that gave birth toRead… Read more »

US DOT and Second Life: “Transportation Nation” Island

My government 2.0 worlds just collided this morning. I participated in the Transportation Research Board’s Annual Meeting yesterday and am now at the Open Government Directive Workshop Series. One of the presenters at the OGD event was Adam Schlicht of DOT, who highlighted DOT’s Second Life island called “Transportation Nation.” I found one of hisRead… Read more »

My Digital Innovation Strategy for London – One Year On

This is a re-post of a blog I wrote over on the FutureGov site yesterday Without realising, I seem to be a man of New Years resolutions. When it comes to big decisions and turning my thinking into action, January appears to be a big month for me looking back. Two years ago this month,Read… Read more »

Politicians, Officials Will Find Twitter Friendlier Than Facebook

Do other people’s tweets show up on my page? That’s a common first question from officials contemplating Twitter. And the ‘no’ answer is why, as social media use by politicians, officials and agencies goes increasingly mainstream, Twitter will beat out Facebook as platform of choice. This will hold true especially for official use, as publicRead… Read more »

Crowdsourcing and Public Participation: mapping out the relationship between the two concepts

There has been plenty of talk recently about the prospects of using crowdsourcing as a means to create better policy and to engage citizens in the policy making process. I’ve noticed that a lot of proponents of this approach seem to be unaware of the particular challenges that public participation initiatives by their very natureRead… Read more »

Help USDA Design a Web game for Success

Last week we posted a call for feedback on the OSTP Blog for an effort to design a game helping kids learn about healthy food choices. We’ll be accepting comments until January 6, and I hope you can share thoughts, experience and specific lessons learned for this type of effort. Specifically, we’re asking for feedbackRead… Read more »

Better Buy Project Moves Forward

From The Acquisition Corner As collaboration tools, Gov 2.0, and other initiatives to encourage transparency and solicit input from stakeholders move forward, a pilot on this front met today to discuss implementing these ideas and creating further momentum via proof of concept. The Better Buy Project, as I discussed in a previous post, is aRead… Read more »