Posts Tagged: gov20

Can You Retrofit Your Colleagues for Digital?

It is a fairly standard challenge to be asked to make an organisation ‘go digital’. Or more specifically make the people working there use digital tools and engagement techniques. At an interview one of the most common question is ‘can you give an example of how you got the press office/senior management/policy officials to goRead… Read more »

The 5 Biggest Challenges of Doing Social Media in the Public Sector

The case for the presence of the public sector on social media no longer needs to be made. Social media is where the public is, so social media is where public sector organizations (PSOs) need to be if they are serious about service to the public. This doesn’t mean it’s all smooth sailing for theRead… Read more »

Want Better Citizen Engagement? Three Tips to Get There

Do you believe that the involvement of citizens in the management of the government makes government better? Are you willing to do things differently to reach a different segment of the population? One of the leaders I respect the most has often been heard to say that public servants are at their best when theyRead… Read more »

15 Opportunities for Your Agency to Innovate in Government

The Department of the Interior has successfully matched their message to the right medium with their use of Instagram — and that’s one of the ways government can innovate better. Wednesday, GovDelivery hosted an important event on the Power of Reach in government, on how your communications can engage stakeholders to take action – onlineRead… Read more »

Is Twitter the Right Channel for Responding to Customer Service Questions in the U.K.?

While social media has the potential to be a great add-on tool for customer service (communicating with the public through Twitter opens up possibilities for immediate interactions) most U.K. organisations are not using Twitter for direct stakeholder interactions. In fact, even though the majority of U.K. organisations have a Twitter account, only about a thirdRead… Read more »

5 Lessons About Citizen Engagement

On Tuesday April 8th, GovLoop hosted our third annual Government Innovators Virtual Summit. This year we focused on “Innovations that Matter” and how to make innovation stick at your agency. Read this recap of our session on citizen engagement and for more blog coverage of the Summit can be found here. View the recording below:Read… Read more »

Mandatory e-Government – Is it Possible?

Last week, I was about to attend a fascinating session at the 49th session of the Public Governance Committee at OECD in Paris entitled “Innovative Technologies for Improving Public Sector Governance.” Over the course of the day, there were a number of fascinating presenters, including Digital Mexico Group, Behavioral Insights Group from the United Kingdom,Read… Read more »

APSC’s current online participation guidance becoming an unwanted and unneeded distraction

There’s been a great deal of scrutiny of the APSC’s revised guidance on social media participation by public servants since it came into effect in early 2012 (coincidentally about the time I left the public service). Initially dubbed by some parts of the media as the ‘Jericho amendments‘ (sorry Greg!), the 2012 guidance has regularlyRead… Read more »