How You Can Harness Emerging Tech on a Budget
Many agencies are forging relationships with third-party vendors to complement their in-house expertise and provide necessary IT resources and capabilities.
Many agencies are forging relationships with third-party vendors to complement their in-house expertise and provide necessary IT resources and capabilities.
As more and more people move their work into the cloud, security remains the number one priority, and concern, for agencies. But now, Esri’s ArcGIS technology can be deployed in the Amazon Web Services GovCloud US Region. This means government agencies can take full advantage of the benefits of using ArcGIS in the cloud toRead… Read more »
On Friday July 1, Infrastructure-as-a-Services for the US federal government became a reality with Authority to Operate (ATO) approval for the following vendors: Web Hosting CGI Federal Computer Literacy World Eyak Technology Computer Technologies Consultant Savvis Federal Systems Virtual Machine Autonomic Resources Carahsoft Technology Corp CGI Federal Computer Literacy World AT&T Eyak Technology General DynamicsRead… Read more »