Posts Tagged: government 2.0

Pillars of Gov 2.0: Social Media and Standards

I’ve been watching with interest as social media blogger extraordinaire Chris Brogan adapts his person brand from “social media guy,” to “human business guy.” Chris has been writing about effective news media strategy since long before it was a cottage industry, and many of his tips and probing questions center around the human component ofRead… Read more »

Notes from the NJ Statehouse

So I spoke at the New Jersey statehouse on GovLoop last week. Here are some notes from the other sessions: -Watched video of Socialnomics -Listening first, selling second -Iran presidential elections -State Department sent social media experts to Russia for diplomatic piece -Mexico- use Twitter to talk about locations where violence has occurred -PR andRead… Read more »

Australia – Principles for citizen : public servant engagement

Hi Folks I’m guessing that many Govloop members are not aware of the AGIMO Blog recently set up in Australia. What struck me was the absence of something really simple to assist people who do not ordinarily blog to engage. With that thought in mind I whipped up something for AGIMO and they have postedRead… Read more »

Application development in the Internet age

The point of this post: Just as the web changed our model of content publishing, so it will change our model of application development. Government IT shops need to evolve to keep up. Publishing and the Web Once upon a time, a writer would write a book (and re-write it and re-write it). Then aRead… Read more »

OGI Conference – Internal Customer Engagement

As many of you know, I was asked by the folks at GovLoop and 1105 to moderate a session at the OGI conference earlier this week. I hope that you guys appreciate it if I share the results of that session with the rest of the GovLoop community who wasn’t able to make it toRead… Read more »

Citizens ‘wish list’ and frustrations with local government websites (Part 2)

This user insight comes from the user research conducted for London Borough of Camden in the UK. You can visit the website redesign project development site here. Click here to go back to Part 1 View full post here. Wanted to order lid for bin online but there wasn’t any for lids – User’s binRead… Read more »

Open Foreste Italiane is Gathering Momentum

Wow – there is a great new article on Ushahidi’s blog about an application I told you all about recently, which encourages crowdsourcing to stop Italian forest fires before they start. This has huge potential to increase community resilience and assist current firespotting efforts in a nonintrusive way. A lovely video by Elena Rapisardi, theRead… Read more »

So You Enjoyed the Govt Web & New Media Conf – Now, What Are YOU Gonna Do?

I hope you either attended or tuned into the Government Web and New Media Conference in Washington DC, last week. What a line-up! I sat in my Tucson family room, watching the proceedings streaming live, listening to the fine line-up of speakers; and I marveled that so many terrific people are engaged in improving theRead… Read more »