Posts Tagged: government performance

Congress Hits “Refresh” Button on Results Act

The House passed a bill in June to revamp the 1993 Government Performance and Results Act. In late September, the Senate took steps to update it as well. Since these bills support the Administration’s efforts, there is a good likelihood that a GPRA refresh will pass. Senator Tom Carper (D-DE) summarized the need for aRead… Read more »

Letting go for high performance leadership

In Gov 2.0 circles I often hear that organizational culture needs to change. If you think about that you will realize that people need to change. If you think about that you will realize that you have to change. Last year I heard the story of a public servant leader who discovered that sometimes byRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: Palindrome Issue: 10/01

Gadi Ben-Yehuda I’m feeling Neighborly – a social network in development that is location-based. I’ll be interested to see it in action. Anyone else giving MediaPost, a new aggregator, a try? So far, I’ve found a few articles I might not have read otherwise. Two ways to be wrong about social media. Newsweek’s “The SadRead… Read more »

Process Intelligence Will Help Gov 2.0 Endure

In my last posting I wrote about the advantages of using the Adaptive Project Framework (APF) to deliver Gov 2.0 projects. I argued that Gov 2.0 needs new management methods to take advantage of the new technologies and deliver on the promise of open, transparent, and accountable government. But Gov 2.0 doesn’t stop at theRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up September 24, 2010

What we read this week at The IBM Center for the Business of Government: Gadi Ben-Yehuda Spy drones for your iPhone! I found two “Welcome to the Age of Skynet” toys this week: Rovio, a three-wheel robot with a camera that you can control over the the Web, and the very Terminator Salvation Parrot AR,Read… Read more »

What’s the ROI when implementing Performance Management Analytics Projects?

Apparently, pretty good, according to Nucleus Research. They recently completed 2 ROI Case Studies of 2 government analytics projects. Both showed impressive results: Alameda Country Social Service Agency’s Social Services Integrated Reporting System (SSIRS) had an ROI of 631% and a payback of 2 months Memphis Police Department’s Blue CRUSH (Criminal Reduction Utilizing Statistical History)Read… Read more »

Why Isn’t the Price of Broadband Obeying Moore’s Law?

The U.S. government doesn’t keep an index of broadband internet prices by which to evaluate the success of its broadband promotion policies – the statistics they do have are mushed together with prices for dial-up access – so a couple of researchers at Northwestern University decided to build their own. What they discovered is thatRead… Read more »