The Top 5 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey Results to Know
Despite last winter’s record 35-day partial shutdown, many of the governmentwide survey’s results improved or remained steady from previous years.
Despite last winter’s record 35-day partial shutdown, many of the governmentwide survey’s results improved or remained steady from previous years.
Agencies have learned how to ‘do more with less’ — or, in many instances, ‘do too much with nothing,’ all too well. That has demonstrated itself with decades of continuing resolutions… and shutdowns.
I reached out to Eric Selk, Executive Director at Hope Now, a non-profit alliance among counselors, mortgage companies, investors, regulators, and other mortgage market participants, to gather some tips for federal employees affected by the partial shutdown who might miss a mortgage payment due to not receiving a paycheck.
In ways big and small, this shutdown is disrupting public services we often take for granted involving alcohol, travel, trees and more.