The 3 Things I Learned From the Government Shutdown
What can we learn?
What can we learn?
For those working in public service, such looming unknowns — Will the government remain open? Will my programs be cut or continued? — can create a number of management challenges. Christopher Dorobek spoke with Tom Fox, Vice President of Leadership and Innovation at the Partnership for Public Service, to discuss how government employees can demonstrate… Read more »
We’ve put together a list of five of the most important government stories to keep an eye on in the first part of 2018.
A possible government shutdown (a decision that will be made on December 11th) and a potential new executive order are some of the first signs that call for a changed and improved government going into 2016. It is true that it takes a few missteps to figure out the right solution and Tom Fox, ViceRead… Read more »
The U.S. federal government is mired in political budget wranglings that may result in another government shutdown. If this seems all-too familiar, that’d be the painful memories of the last government shutdown in 2013. But, the federal government can’t stop completely. And, even though the possible government shutdown is just a couple of days away, it’s far from certain that it willRead… Read more »
There is no doubt that the consequences of a potential federal government shutdown on October 1 could have significant economic consequences within the United States, as well as on federal workers who are furloughed during the shutdown. While true economic impacts are hard to quantify, the Bureau of Economic Analysis estimated in January 2014 thatRead… Read more »
We all are awaiting the final decision: will the government shut down again? How could this happen? Didn’t we learn from the incident in 2013? It seems we haven’t. So now certain organizations like the Partnership for Public Service are evaluating the issues that seem to lead to a possible shutdown and how to preventRead… Read more »
August in Washington always reminds me of the proverbial calm before the storm. That is, the storm of political acrimony and legislative gridlock as the fiscal year draws to an end and appropriations bills pile up in Congress. But this year the stakes are much higher as some members of Congress are actively threatening aRead… Read more »
In case you missed it, here’s a really an excellent write-up by Eyder Peralta that captures the essence of GovLooper interactions around the shutdown: At Web’s Social Hive For Government Workers, A Mix of Disillusion, Hope An excerpt from this well-written piece: As the government shutdown started to seem inevitable, the talk on the publicRead… Read more »
Government shutdown. It isn’t a natural disaster, but it surely could be considered a crisis. As a communications consultant I’ve heard stories from counterparts across the agencies talk about their approaches in dealing with the possible government shutdown. With each discussion the same question comes up, “How do you prepare for a specific event whenRead… Read more »