Posts Tagged: government

Should You Disclose Your Security Clearance?

Within the contracting community, the word on the street is that individuals should mention their clearances on their resumes to be more attractive to potential employers. In the context of the job market, this makes sense: a security clearance automatically makes an employee more valuable. claims that “an established security clearance can increase yourRead… Read more »

Facebook Terms Change for State & Local Governments

Recently read an article that Facebook is becoming more firendly in hopes that more state governments join. A September 2010 NASCIO survey found legals problems in the original Facebook terms of service were one of the important barriest to statel and local governments joining. Here’s what’s Facebook has agreed to do: ·strike the indemnity clauseRead… Read more »

State of the Net Conference. Does Government “Get It?”

The OGTV family is spending its morning at the State of the Net Conference held at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill. The event is presented by the Advisory Committee to the Congressional Internet Caucus. This morning, our Director of New Media, a political and government social media strategist, Stephanie Noble had a quick breakfastRead… Read more »

Where Would Diversity Be In America if YouTube Was Invented During Martin Luther King Jr’s Era.

Forty eight years ago,Dr. Martin Luther King Jr led approximately 250,000 men,women, and children to Washington DC for a March for Freedom and Jobs. In 1963 black unemployment was as high as 11%, while unemployments was only 6% for whites. A white family earned, on average about $6,500.00 a year while a black family earnedRead… Read more »

Tucson’s Tragedy – The Impact and Implications on Arizona’s Government in the Last Five Days

There’s been plenty of media attention on Arizona the past five days, and for those of you across the country, you may not have heard about how our state government has come together and been torn apart by Saturday, January 8’s unthinkable event in Tucson. THE COMING TOGETHER: I think all of us agree thatRead… Read more »

Civil Service Hiring in New York State

Civil Service Hiring in New York State This post may be one of the longer ones I’ve written because the hiring process for New York State is so different from the private sector process. It is what I would call a “classic civil service” process, in which networking or personal connections will do absolutely noRead… Read more »

Why RSS is Essential for Government Transparency

Enabling your audience to subscribe to information is a key part of any transparency plan. RSS is a modern subscription tool that’s often under-utilized in government. All agencies should have their content pages equipped with it help people stay aware and engaged in the issues that matter most to them. Hear a Granicus expert discussRead… Read more »

Lockheed Martin Teaming Suggestions via @govwinteam

Two main themes emerged from today’s Teaming Suggestions Webinar with Lockheed Martin’s Bob Gemmill: As a small business looking to partner with a large integrator, do your homework; and don’t be vague and tell a Prime that you can “do whatever they need you to do.” [Editor’s Note: Bob’s archived video can be found onRead… Read more »