Posts Tagged: government

Open Government: Government of Catalonia’s Open Data Project a Reality

The Government of Catalonia initiated the Government of Catalonia Open Data Project so that the general public, businesses and other organisations would be able to have access and re-use public sector data. This data will then be able to be used to create value. For the full story visit:’s-open-data-project-is-already-a-realityel-proyecto-datos-abiertos-de-la-generalidad-de-c/?lang=en Favorite

How would you assemble your #gov20 dream team? Tonight on #localgovchat

This has post has been written before. But it can’t be written enough. I was having a discussion about how to structure a good communications staff. What level/grade should staff be? Does staff doing online engagement report to public affairs? How does IT fit into the picture? Those sorts of questions were being tossed around.Read… Read more »

Community Building: It’s More about Your MEMBERS, Less the TECHNOLOGY

Three factors collided to spur this post. 1. I walked myself through a 224 gold-mine slideshare deck on “The Real Social Network” and found this gem quote “Understand behavior, not technology.” 2. I stumbled across an online community for Mercedes Benz owners called “Generation Benz” that is built in flash, looks like it blew outRead… Read more »

Community Building: No Agency is an Island, or a Planet!

No agency is an island, or a planet for that matter, so let’s talk about what best practices we can learn from others who are building communities and making it happen! ———————————————— Ever want to be a fly on the wall? How about a fly on the wall in a NASA space lab as theyRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: November 5, 2010

Here’s what the Center for the Business of Government found interesting this week: Gadi Ben-Yehuda FedSpace, the social media site for federal employees and contractors, is running a pilot program, reports Federal Computer Week. Adam Sharp will be Twitter’s first DC-based employee. As promised, I say: welcome to the party, but don’t get comfortable. HereRead… Read more »

A few of my notes from the Adobe Government Assembly (or “What I learned from David Plouffe”)

Yesterday, I attended the Adobe Government Assembly at the Reagan building. This was my second #govtassembly. I took 2 1/2 pages of notes from the afternoon keynote by David Plouffe, author of “The Audacity to Win” and Campaign Manager, Obama for President 2008. I thought I’d put some of my notes here so that youRead… Read more »

How to Grow Your Business 9x Faster

As a psychology professor turned entrepreneur, Lee Frederiksen has a passion for learning and providing high quality professional services. In his new book Spiraling Up, Lee has managed to combine both of his passions into a thought provoking yet actionable package. Even though the book targets all professional services firms, it contains a lot ofRead… Read more »

Capture and Proposal Training Preview Videos

I recorded two videos telling you about our upcoming training courses. If you are interested in top-notch capture and proposal training delivered in person by yours truly, check them out: Capture Management: There is a little over a week left (and only five spaces) for our brand new 2-day seminar, Capture Management: How to PrepareRead… Read more »

National Institute of Standards and Technologies Encourages Greater Online Participation in Upcoming Advisory Board Meetings, Nov 3-5

Are you interested in online privacy and cybersecurity? Now, you can watch government and industry experts discuss these issues in upcoming Federal Advisory Board Meetings being held November 3-5. You can tune-in live and submit your views and concerns directly to Board Members. This is government transparency and citizen participation at it’s finest! The NationalRead… Read more »

Want Lots of Responses to Your Contest? Think PR!

Alice Lipowicz of Federal Computer Week wrote an interesting article about different government contests going on – some very successful, some not so much: I expect we’ll be seeing more of this trend, so if you’re planning to try this approach, I’d like to offer some advice on how to ensure your organization’s contestsRead… Read more »