Posts Tagged: government

Calling all Students…the Government Wants YOU!

Originally posted on Unleash the Monster By Erica Pierson It’s summer time and recent grads are in the process of looking to start their careers. Well, good news. Now is the right time to consider a job in government. There are continued steps to implementing hiring reform across agencies in response to the recent presidentialRead… Read more »

Australia – Declaration of Open Government made by Lindsay Tanner

On 16 July Lindsay Tanner, Minister for Finance and Deregulation issued the Declaration of Open Government on behalf of the Australian Government. A fantastic job by many people with talent, foresight, courage and passion. Absolutely fantastic and a breath of fresh air for public servants and the community. Now the hard work begins to createRead… Read more »

DC Government budget transparency – What’s up with all the fees?

Ever wonder how much DC Government collects in “Out of state Vehicle Registration Fees”?. What about the “Underground Storage Tank Fines and Fees”? Library Fines? What about the proceeds from busting illegal gambling and narcotics operations? Where does this money go? What services does it fund? Now you can research this and other similar informationRead… Read more »

Getting Social with

Yesterday’s Loudoun Economic Development Commission, Membership and Business Retention Committee (MBRC) meeting officially earned Loudoun, its residents and businesses their “Gov 2.0 street cred” on the Internet. An official Department of Economic Development (DED) strategy, roles and supporting cast are in place, the SEO and website analytics are turned on, the chicklets are published, aRead… Read more »

Aligning Training with Strategic Agency Results

Open Dialogue on Aligning Training with Strategic Agency Results Warren Master and Russ Linden Warren: In my recent review of Russ Linden’s new book – Leading Across Boundaries: Creating Collaborative Agencies in a Networked World ( – I encourage public management practitioners to avail themselves of the many case illustrations and user-friendly tools the authorRead… Read more »

Last Chance to Learn the Latest Best Practices in Open Government

Join us on July 19th for Excellence in Government to learn the best practices & innovative tools your agency needs to implement open government. In one day, gain the complete tool set you need through:• Access to the latest open government developments • Interactive dialogue with leading experts• Actionable case studies• Best practices which canRead… Read more »

Reaffirmed 10 Principles at the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit

As part of its ongoing commitment to corporate social responsibility, Mission Essential Personnel, LLC, (MEP) participated in the recent UN Global Compact Leaders Summit, which every three years brings together more than 1,000 global CEOs to identify and plan solutions to societal ills by 1) setting a sustainable agenda, 2) leading the change, and 3)Read… Read more »

Do you need a big fancy title to transform Government IT?

The idea that change can be initiated at every level of an organization is the cornerstone of our corporate and government philosophy. We agree and herald the idea that in our organization, noone’s voice is too small, no title is too low, no person is too insignificant, and that change and transformation can start anywhereRead… Read more »

Are the Next Generation of Government Executives more Comfortable with Complexity?

As government leaders do you believe the world is getting more complex? More volatile? If so, you’re not alone – – Sixty percent of the CEOs surveyed by IBM in our 2010 CEO Study thought the world was getting more complex, and even more, 69%, felt the world was getting more volatile. For the firstRead… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: So What Exactly Is The Recession Good For?

Can it really be? A benefit coming out of the recession? It seems so, as the recession some claim is accelerating a change (at least in the corporate world) toward more flexible work schedules. Currently, one of five Americans works non-typical work hours (nights, weekends, rotating shifts, etc). With the recession still in force, expertsRead… Read more »