Posts Tagged: government

The “Getting Started with Government 2.0” Guide

A slightly more graphically intensive version of this post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” In the last few months, I’ve received an increasing number of “hey Steve, how would you recommend someone get started in social media or Government 2.0?” emails, and I’ve gotten tired of sending out the same emailsRead… Read more »

Opening Up on Open Government

I had a pretty unique privilege earlier this week – and frankly, as a huge transparency advocate, I’m still a bit electrified by the experience – in getting to attend a series of briefings at the White House Conference Center by individual government agencies to collaborate with stakeholders on how best to adopt the principlesRead… Read more »

Free Webinar April 7 – “12 Ways to Fill Your Pipeline and Find Opportunities to Win Government Contracts”

Join me for a Free One-Hour Webinar on Wednesday, April 7 at 4 PM Eastern • Do you rely on FedBizOpps to find government contracting opportunities?• Or, perhaps, you are more sophisticated and use a paid pipeline tool such as INPUT, Centurion Compass, or Onvia – and an occasional “marketing” visit to your government customersRead… Read more »

Free Webinar April 7 – “12 Ways to Fill Your Pipeline and Find Opportunities to Win Government Contracts”

Free Webinar April 7 – “12 Ways to Fill Your Pipeline and Find Opportunities to Win Government Contracts” Join me for a Free One-Hour Webinar on Wednesday, April 7 at 4 PM Eastern • Do you rely on FedBizOpps to find government contracting opportunities?• Or, perhaps, you are more sophisticated and use a paid pipelineRead… Read more »

Biggest Reasons Public Servants don’t Crowdsource

One of the things that we do that we believe is a best practice in our engagements is ask our partners to do two surveys at the conclusion of a campaign; one about us and one about them. It is always interesting to see the results and, certainly, helps everyone to improve what may beRead… Read more »

Tip 1 for Winning Government Contracts: Understand the full gamut of federal market opportunities and where your business could benefit from these. PART 2.

This is the third blog in the series of 10 tips for winning government contracts and growing in the federal market. You can see the previous post here. Point 2. Because of the market size and a smorgasbord of opportunities, you have to make an extra effort to keep yourself focused, or you will wasteRead… Read more »

Tip 1 for Winning Government Contracts: Understand the full gamut of federal market opportunities and where your business could benefit from these. PART 1.

This is the second blog in the series of 10 tips for winning government contracts and growing in the federal market. You can see the first blog post here. Today I am going to cover the first part of Tip 1: Understand the full gamut of federal market opportunities and where your business could benefitRead… Read more »

Demystifying Virtualization: Dramatically Reduce IT Energy Consumption, and Improve the Business of Government

Did you know that the average desktop computer uses almost as much power when idle as when it’s active? And the problem isn’t just restricted to the desktop. There are literally thousands of data centers across the globe stacked to capacity with inefficient, underutilized computer servers. In 2006, in the United States alone, datacenters consumedRead… Read more »