Posts Tagged: government
PC Refresh Cycle ready to touch down in government?
Earlier this month, NextGov’s Bob Brewin wrote about the Department of Veterans Affairs’ plans for an extensive PC refresh cycle that translates to millions in spending to improve the agency’s technological infrastructure. In Brewin’s article, he notes that “the department owns about 240,000 PCs. The new contract will provide an additional 360,000 computers to supplyRead… Read more »
Twitter’s First Government Case Study
The USGS has become Twitter’s first-ever Government case study on their Twitter 101 for Business page. The account highlighted is the @USGSted account (Twitter Earthquake Detector). The snippet from the site: One of the U.S. Geological Survey’s unique responsibilities is the monitoring and reporting of earthquakes, which affect the daily lives of people around theRead… Read more »
10 Tips for Winning Government Contracts and Growing Your Business
I love that it is the official beginning of spring. This winter has been filled with proposal work, and I have had very little time to breathe. Now that it is getting warmer, and I have gotten to take some time off to do fun stuff, I am excited to start blogging a bit moreRead… Read more »
GBE101: strategies for business development under the social network umbrella
by Donna L. Quesinberry Government Business Examiner In the technological hour of 2010 there are so many inroads to business development that just don’t employ legacy plans of action. We now enjoy Pod-casting, Wikis and Wikipedia, Social Networks (SNS), Videographies, Webinars, SlideShares, YouTube videos, TelePresence, inVirtual communications, etc. Add to this laundry list of newRead… Read more »
GBE101: economic woes and the consignment promises of tomorrow
Work for fee – not free. by Donna L. Quesinberry Government Business Examiners 2009 had to be the worst year ever for economic woes in federal contracts. The Government Business Examiner in talking with numerous industry experts has learned that many consultants and businesses experienced a tough market climate during the past year, but everyoneRead… Read more »
National Writing Examiner (NWE) 101: the art of grant writing
by Donna L. Quesinberry National Writing Examiner Writing is an art that takes on many forms. Success-driven grant writing is an art that uses a logical structure and clear arguments to secure needed funding for a potential awardee. The grant proposal is like a sales proposal (most recognized are federal acquisition proposals) in as farRead… Read more »
Network Society:The TEIA PROJECT – A New Opportunity
There is a considerable body of descriptions and analysis of social structures emerging at the turn of the twentieth century to the twenty-one that highlights the fact that contemporary societies are being the scene of extraordinary economic, political, cultural, social and technological change. In the last decades of the twentieth century were a number ofRead… Read more »
Did Anyone Attend the IC Virtual Career Event Yesterday?
9 IC Agencies were in attendance at yesterdays’ virtual career fair! If you were one of the 23k registrants/attendees at the event: 1. What was your overall experience?2. Did you find your experience comparable to attending a “Live” event? 3. Who was your favorite Recruiter? Employer? Forum?4. What were your biggest peeves?5. Did you interviewRead… Read more »