Posts Tagged: government

Did Anyone Attend the IC Virtual Career Event Yesterday?

9 IC Agencies were in attendance at yesterdays’ virtual career fair! If you were one of the 23k registrants/attendees at the event: 1. What was your overall experience?2. Did you find your experience comparable to attending a “Live” event? 3. Who was your favorite Recruiter? Employer? Forum?4. What were your biggest peeves?5. Did you interviewRead… Read more »

Why Nonprofits Need to be a Part of Citizen Engagement

As we discuss how government agencies can better engage citizens it is also important to focus on how the nonprofits that provide government services can better engage citizens. Steven Smith surveys the vast number of nonprofit organizations and discusses how they evolved from “membership” organizations formed by community volunteers to “services” organizations that are staffedRead… Read more »

Using Less Energy is Good for the Business of Government

For 40 years, Earth Day has helped us all realize that simple acts can make a big difference in using our resources more wisely! Saving energy is something we can all do, and it doesn’t require a lot of effort to make a difference. Which got us thinking… We all know that the federal governmentRead… Read more »

So you are a GS-Whatever; get over it

Congratulations! You landed a job with the Federal government. You are a GS-14, or a GS-12, or whatever. You may even supervise some people. You worked hard to get where you are and you are not going to let the stigma that Federal employees are the enemy get you down. But remember this- you areRead… Read more »

Jennifer Schaus comments on SBA’s controversial womens procurement program; March 2010

Jennifer Schaus of Jennifer Schaus & Associates in Washington, DC – a boutique government consulting firm – comments on SBA’s controversial women’s procurement program, stressing the importance of relationship building in the government procurement process. March, 2010

An Approach to Accessibility

As you may have heard last week, Google announced that they have added ‘Auto-Captions’ for all videos on YouTube. Google’s hope is to increase its user base and has chosen to focus its attention on accessibility with hopes that users with certain disabilities will leverage the site and find it useful. The reality is thatRead… Read more »

Public servants: What are you broadcasting via social media?

It seems we’re regularly being served additional reminders about the way we sometimes use social messaging to our detriment, and with increasing frequency, how it is sometimes being used against us. Consider the Janine Krieber kerfuffle, where the wife of former Canadian Liberal Party leader Stephane Dion criticized the current state of the party inRead… Read more »

GovLoop to participate in Open City Workshop

Many of us Gov2 enthusiasts are passionate about discussing what it means to have an Open Government. I’m privileged to be living in a region where many great things are happening and as we all know, talk is great, action is better. This coming Saturday, the City of Edmonton in Alberta, Canada will be hostingRead… Read more »

How-To: Tips for Building a Collaborative Environment

After completing the February Open Government Directive Workshop, we realized that it’s much easier to think about collaboration and build collaborative practices into an agency’s open government plan it’s done in a collaborative environment. (Final results of the teams’ collaborations are posted at the top of the OpenGov Playbook and the teams offer great suggestionsRead… Read more »