Posts Tagged: government

Guide to Creating Your Own Apps for Democracy [PDF]

The following guide has been provided in order to help governments and organizations around the world understand the ins and outs of how we’ve run Apps for Democracy contests over the past year+ and is structured in such a way that you’ll be able to start your own when the time comes. If you needRead… Read more »

Useful Links for the Open Government Directive

Useful Links for the Open Government Directive OSTP Blog – The White House Open Government Dashboard – Seeking your input: Slides from Open Gov Directive Workshop: Evaluating the /open pages for the Open Government Directive: Sunlight Labs Open Watcher: Participation and Collaboration: Two Cornerstones to an Effective Open Government: BarryRead… Read more »

How Microsoft Added Cheeky To Its Geeky

Today I’m happy to announce that I’ve taken a full time position as Director of Innovative Social Engagement for Microsoft, in its U.S. Public Sector division that handles federal, state, and local government, education, and healthcare business. I’ll be staying in the DC area (where the division is headquartered) and will still be involved inRead… Read more »

Government Business 101: United States Constitution, the Executive Branch and Federal Contracting

From the Government Business Examiner by Donna L. Quesinberry In 2009 the “New Transparency” took on an enhanced definition per President Obama’s Administration – the new transparency became a virtual enactment of the transparency and accountability that public funding through federal contracting already envisions. What is the course of action that a business takes orRead… Read more »

What would Martin Luther King Jr. say about the Open Government Directive? Are we on the right path?

“I Have A Dream” The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. August 28, 1963 “I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day thisRead… Read more »

Public Diplomacy via Innovative Social Engagement

Since I left the National Defense Unversity, I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want to do next. In between, I did some writing, speaking, and teaching, but now I’m moving to something more permanent. It’s leaked that I’m joining Microsoft’s U.S. Public Sector division as Director of Innovative Social Engagement. I thought I’dRead… Read more »

Open Government Directive Workshop Results in More Questions Than Answers…For Now

This post originally appeared on my external blog,“Social Media Strategery.” Yesterday, I, along with 250 other people representing three dozen agencies, contractors, and non-profits, attended the second Open Government Directive workshop held at the Department of Transportation. The workshop featured 10 Ignite-style presentations (awesome) by federal employees engaged in some form of open government, followedRead… Read more »

Thoughts on Gov 2.0 and Israel

So just got an opportunity to tell “The GovLoop Story” to Israel government officials who are looking how to use social media and social networking in their own country. Actually, Israel has created its own community based on the GovLoop concept and I felt honored by saying GovLoop was an inspiration. After my talk, IRead… Read more »

My Digital Innovation Strategy for London – One Year On

This is a re-post of a blog I wrote over on the FutureGov site yesterday Without realising, I seem to be a man of New Years resolutions. When it comes to big decisions and turning my thinking into action, January appears to be a big month for me looking back. Two years ago this month,Read… Read more »