Posts Tagged: government

I Choose Inspired

So, I took Don Jacobson’s advice and read Mario’s Blog Post Inspired Versus Required and came away with a my choice to inspire not only those around me, but to keep myself inspired as well. To continue to remind myself of our mission and to be the example of how not to be afraid ofRead… Read more »

Social Software Lessons from the Government and Military

One thing that people often find surprising when I’m talking to them about social learning and communities, is when they find out how government and military organizations are really leading the way when it comes to actually using Web 2.0 tools and making an impact within their organizations. Hands down, government organizaitons are the onesRead… Read more »

President Obama Opens another Door with

By Teresa Carlson, Microsoft Vice President of U.S. Federal Government Sales From We know the President is taking the Open Government Initiative seriously. He is driving his team to find news ways to open the doors of government and let the people in. The most recent example of dedication to an open government hasRead… Read more »

Free Access to the Digital Government Society of North America’s E-Government Master Library

The Hokie Guru will step outside of his normal realm of sports and entertainment and provide some awesome information. One of the most incredible e-government resources that I’ve ever seen is now available to everyone on the planet. The Digital Government Society of North America made its E-Government Master Library (version 5.0, dated May 2009,Read… Read more »

Will there be a cyber czar?

The Obama admnistration is still putting all the pieces of the puzzle together for transparency and information technology. But the appointments of a federal CIO and CTO are not the end. There’s plenty of speculation there will be a cyber czar, too! Wow. What a change from previous administrations and how 21st century? For moreRead… Read more »

Australian internet usage 20% greater than TV – Nielsen

Republished from eGovAU. I’ve just come across a media release from Nielsen (PDF) from March this year indicating that internet use by Australian internet users reached 16.1 hours per week in 2008, soaring ahead of TV at 12.9 viewing hours per week (radio sits at 8.8 hours). This suggests that the average Australian internet userRead… Read more »

Does the White House Believe Social Media is too Noisy?

By Kristin Bockius, State & Local Government Social Media Marketing Manager Bright Side of Government blog My attention was caught this afternoon when I saw the headline, “White House Strives to Reduce Noise in Social Media Initiatives.” It was a blog post written by Mitch Wagner at InformationWeek. Could it be true that the AdministrationRead… Read more »

What does ‘transparent’ mean for government?

Republished from eGovAU. eGovernment, or government 2.0, is often discussed as a means to create greater transparency in government. However has there been a clear definition of what transparency really means for government in Australia? At the furthest extreme transparency would be like living in a glass house with glass furniture – everyone could seeRead… Read more »

Do you plan your online strategy in the same way you plan your media strategy?

Republished from eGovAU. Typically government and commercial media teams spend time identifying publications and journalists that have the most appropriate audiences for an organisation’s products and services. They commit energy to building constructive relationships with those that have influence over the members of the public they are trying to engage, tailoring stories to suit theirRead… Read more »