Posts Tagged: government

Federal Domestic Partner Benefits

Government Executive’s cover story this month is the often neglected debate on federal domestic partner benefits. Though the Domestic Partner Benefits and Obligations Act has been introduced every session since 1997 it’s never been voted on by either the House or Senate, and only got its first hearing last fall. External gay rights groups haveRead… Read more »

Virtual Proposal Secrets (Winning Government Proposals in a Virtual Team Environment)

I just wrote a 9-page article based on my interview with Ben Rowland, a Washington, DC virtual proposals expert, that I would like to share with you. This detailed article discusses the common challenges and provides tips, tricks, resources, and tools for managing virtual proposals. Virtual Proposals Secrets: Interview with Ben Rowland By Olessia Smotrova-TaylorRead… Read more »

Hiring in Government

I just read an interesting article from the Washington Post. I encourage you to read it, especially those of you who may be responsible for hiring, or communications. Did you know that in the next four years, approximately 1/3 of government (Federal) jobs will need to be filled? With 3/4 of its workforce being overRead… Read more »

Applying Health 2.0 Lessons to the Constituent/Representative Relationship

Provisions in the The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the economic stimulus package signed by President Obama Feb. 17, include 19.2 billion dollars in incentive funds for physicians to abandon piecemeal paper-based health records for an electronic systems that will allow for greater efficiency and more indepth data collection for the diagnosis andRead… Read more »

FLAT Government: does Gov 2.0, eGovernment, promote FLAT Government Operations?

In the Age of Enlightenment & quickly towards the Age of World Peace as Attainable, where we encourage Transparency, Accountability & provide specifications to & for THIN Consultants & Contractors mindful of Taxpayer expectations, does Gov 2.0 & eGovernment promote FLAT Government Operations? Where is Value added to Gov 2.0 in Community Participation? Is anRead… Read more »

Changing Washington: Obama’s First 100 Days

On his first day in office, President Obama began acting on his campaign promise to “change the way Washington does business.” His first directive to agencies articulated a set of principles of how he wants the government to do its business: more transparency in how government does it work, more citizen participation via the Internet,Read… Read more »

Government Employees Teleworking?

Interesting article below, it asks if govt workers are ready to telework (article raises the question in light of swine flu developments…) Having just returned yesterday from Guadalajara, Mexico — where I teleworked for GovPartner and saw first hand the tremendous effect a potential epidemic like this would have on our daily activities — theRead… Read more »

Increasing Transparency and Accountability in Federal Performance Reporting: Lessons from the OMB Pilot Program

In 2006, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) authorized the Performance and Accountability Reporting (PAR) Pilot Program, which permitted executive branch agencies to use an alternative approach to reporting financial and performance information. Eleven departments and agencies volunteered to participate in the FY 2007 PAR Pilot Program. Three initiatives were held to assess andRead… Read more »

Massive Public Outreach on Swine Flu

A longer version of this post is also available at the Reach the Public Blog. Federal, state, and local health agencies are working overtime to inform the public about the recent Swine Flu outbreak that is currently affecting Mexico and small portions of the United States, but that poses a real international threat. Direct informationRead… Read more »

Big News – Obama Asks Gov’t Employees for Ideas to Save $/Improve Performance

Big news from today’s Obama Weekly Address. Most importantly for gov’t folks: “Third, we’ll look for ideas from the bottom up. After all, Americans across the country know that the best ideas often come from workers – not just management. That’s why we’ll establish a process through which every government worker can submit their ideasRead… Read more »