Posts Tagged: government

Beware the Social Media Police

Note: This blog entry was also published on my Reach the Public Blog where there are other entries on government-to-citizen communication, social media, and Web 2.0. I was discussing online communication plans with one of our clients recently, and I heard something that surprised me. “We’d like to use more social media, but we don’tRead… Read more »

The power of raw government data

Republished from eGovAU. In the US President Obama’s newly appointed (and first) Federal Government CIO Vivek Kundra has committed to finding new ways to make government data open and accessible. The Computer World article, First federal CIO wants to ‘democratize’ U.S. government data, discusses how, In a conference call with reporters, Kundra said he plansRead… Read more »

eGovernment interoperability is a cultural, not a technical issue

Republished from eGovAU. This post from Oliver Bell’s OSRIN blog, eGovernment Interoperability Frameworks, time for a rethink?, served to crystalise thoughts that have been bouncing around in my head for awhile. Oliver contends that most of the technical standards for interoperability via the internet have been resolved, with commercial and citizen usage of the internetRead… Read more »

Transformation of DOD’s Business Systems

The Department of Defense launched an ambitious effort to transform its vast network of back office mission support systems in 2001. It has since invested large amounts of funding in the effort. What progress has the initiative achieved to date? What has been its impact? Should the new Administration continue the existing effort, terminate it,Read… Read more »

You’ve got Tim O’Reilly and Gov 2.0 in a Room …

What do you want to know? Steve Ressler of GovLoop and Steve Lunceford of GovTwit and BearingPoint in conversation with the founder of O’Reilly Media and the voice of Web 2.0. He’s crashing DC in September with the Gov 2.0 Summit, and we’re talking to him Sunday, 2 p.m., on BlogTalkRadio. I’m down with O’Reilly’sRead… Read more »

What form should a government blog take?

Republished from eGovAU. There’s an excellent and very active discussion over at Adriel Hampton’s blog regarding, Templating a Government 2.0 Blog. The discussion ranges beyond the pure technical and moderation challenges of establishing a blog (which are very easy to overcome) and into the mindset of government. In fact my view of the discussion isRead… Read more »

Job Vacancies and Communicating With the Silent Type

Originally posted at An agency contact person is identified on the vacancy announcement of each federal job. Contact the agency contact person for your target job if you have any questions about: · How your application has faired thus far in the selection process. Yes, the agency contact person can and will tell youRead… Read more »

Government Job Prospects in the Current Economy…. Thoughts and Concerns

Hello … Some of my classmates and I had a discussion over lunch today about job prospects for MPA graduates in the next 12-18 months. Those of us that are not currently in the full-time work force would be by that time. As a someone currently working for the great (not so great budget) StateRead… Read more »

New Worldwide Gov 2.0 Live Radio Show with BlogTalkRadio

from – In preparation for a new Government 2.0 podcast I’m planning with Steve Ressler, Steve Lunceford, the FutureGov team, Ari Herzog and Meghan Harvey, producer (live demo Monday at 8 p.m. PST – please tune/call in), I was able to grab some time with BlogTalkRadio’s Amy Domestico to get her thoughts on effectiveRead… Read more »

Working for the government isn’t good enough

Since you’re on this site, chances are you’ve found yourself—at least once—answering the question “So, what do you do?” with some variation of “I work for the government.” I certainly have. And I wonder if the other person has ever thought, “Wow; thanks, chief. That really paints a vivid picture of how you’re justifying theRead… Read more »