Posts Tagged: government

Avoiding the “Jaded Fed” Syndrome

We all know them – the long (or short) term career bureaucrat, counting down the days (months, decades) to retirement, seething in negativity and boredom. These employees contribute to poor public perception, engage in bristly customer service and their negativity can bring others down with them, creating a toxic work environment. Here are some tipsRead… Read more »

The Value of Volunteering is Not About Headcount, but Headway

Earlier last week, the National Conference on Citizenship (NCoC) released a report on volunteering and civic life in America in collaboration with the Corporation for National and Community Service and the U.S. Census Bureau. Promisingly, surveys of 100,000 subjects found that one in four American adults volunteer with an organization and nearly two-thirds engage in activities to helpRead… Read more »

3 Best Practices for Securing Confidential Data

With organizations creating more documents and data by the minute, it’s essential now more than ever before that agencies look at how to protect all of their information. That’s why many agency leaders are now exploring Data Loss Prevention (DLP) solutions. DLP helps organizations discover, monitor, protect and manage information, particularly sensitive data, wherever itRead… Read more »

12 Social Media Trends For 2015

The other night I gave a talk in my personal capacity (not as a representative of the National Archives, or the U.S. government) for the University of Maryland University College MBA program, which was kindly hosted by UMD’s Universities at Shady Grove. The video is now available here. It’s an hour-long webcast; you’ll see me answeringRead… Read more »

Citizen Engagement: How Government is Improving Customer Service

The customer is always right. If you’ve ever worked at any retailer, restaurant, or franchised store, you may have gotten a lecture or two from your manager that included this phrase. And there is definitely truth behind it. Like any good retail establishment, successful government agencies are centered on meeting the needs of the publicRead… Read more »

If You “Tweet” President Lincoln, Will Gov Hear You?

As we approach the 151 anniversary of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address[1], certainly one of the most significant orations ever delivered, we do well to remember the closing; the very end of the last of the ten simple and deeply moving sentences that make up the Address. In these few, memorable words, a war-weary Lincoln charges allRead… Read more »

The Changing Face of Citizen Engagement

“Why fix it if it ain’t broke?” This seems like an easy motto to live by. For many of us, change can be frightening, and sticking with the status quo is a comfortable option. But in today’s technologically driven world, change is a constant, and adapting is a must. Matt Leighninger, Executive Director of theRead… Read more »