Posts Tagged: government

Improving IT Security Through Implementing Sound Enterprise IT Governance

This article was originally posted on the IBM Center for the Business of Government Blog by Dan Chenok and John Lainhart. In the face of ever-increasing cybersecurity risks, significant attention is being paid toward improving preparedness and response of agencies, vulnerabilities and threats. throughout the public sector. Two ways to go about supporting these activitiesRead… Read more »

NBA Commissioner’s Zero-Tolerance Leadership: A Management Model for the Federal Workforce

The Coalition For Change, Inc. (C4C), a support network and civil rights advocacy group, which formed to combat employment discrimination in the Federal workplace, says National Basketball Association’s (NBA) Commissioner, Adam Silver’s leadership-style serves as an excellent model for Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and other federal agencies professing to weed out rampant discrimination inRead… Read more »

From Drug Dealing in a Federal Prison to Crowdfunding Diplomacy: Your NextGen Speaker Contest Winners!

Remember back at the start of April when we asked you to help us decide the five finalists who would speak in a series of lightning talks at NextGen? Well, you more than delivered. From over 150 entries and 1,800+ votes, we now have the five people who have been selected to share their storyRead… Read more »

The Hottest Job Out There Now? Data Scientist

There’s so much talk about big data these days. On a recent DorobekINSIDER LIVE, we talked to the people at the front lines of big data: the chief data officers. These are the people who are really making big data an effective tool for government. Hosted by Chris Dorobek, the online training featured the followingRead… Read more »

Why Leadership Coaching Is For Everyone

My morning started with an e-mail from a client who is a federal government analyst, upset about a missive from her training department eager to check-off their employee development box with a variety of offerings. The catch? Leadership development was restricted to “managers only.” I guess it is time for the feds to understand whatRead… Read more »

Why Leadership Coaching Is For Everyone

My morning started with an e-mail from a client who is a federal government analyst, upset about a missive from her training department eager to check-off their employee development box with a variety of offerings. The catch? Leadership development was restricted to “managers only.” I guess it is time for the feds to understand whatRead… Read more »

5 Tips for Managing a Multigenerational Workplace

Do you manage a multigenerational workplace? These five tips can help you out. If you’ve got a wide age range of employees in your office, you’ve probably noticed they have different work styles. In addition to handling projects differently, they can also clash with each other, creating a less-effective team and increasing employee turnover. WhileRead… Read more »

Building a 21st Century Government…One Leader at a Time

When Obama’s budget plan for fiscal 2015 was released, the plan had its fair share of supporters and naysayers. There are obviously many sections to the plan, but there is one specific portion that addresses the challenge that a plethora of articles have been written about and many agencies are challenged with lately…leadership, and specificallyRead… Read more »