Posts Tagged: government

Modernizing Government Talent Acquisition: Six Private-Sector Strategies for More Effective Recruiting

Solving today’s government worker shortage is a battle that calls for fresh thinking and bold solutions. Here are some that work.

EX for What? 3 Things You Need to Know About Employee Experience

In reality, there is no shortage of uniquely broad definitions for EX — as a field of knowledge, empirical study of the subject is still in its infancy and there is no consensus on a common definition. However, most characterizations agree on a couple things.

Make It Modern: Why You Can’t Build a Legacy on Legacy Systems – Part 1

In 2011, venture capitalist Marc Andreessen said that “software is eating the world.” What he meant was that new software is enabling companies to scale faster, reduce costs, and deliver better customer experiences, and that the rapid spread of useful software is allowing entrenched players like Walmart and FedEx to better maintain dominance in theirRead… Read more »

“One-Stop Shops” Can Improve Access to Public Services

Apply a human-centered approach to public service delivery by creating “one-stop shops” where people can find everything they need to solve a whole problem or complete an entire activity.