Posts Tagged: government

DHS CFO Peggy Sherry Heading to Tax Agency

Peggy Sherry, formerly chief financial officer at the Department of Homeland Security since April 2012, has been appointed deputy commissioner for operations support at the Internal Revenue Service. She will officially start in her new position Nov. 4 and succeed Beth Tucker, who retired from the IRS at the end of last September, the taxRead… Read more »

How three governments are beating the budget crisis

In my work with public sector customers, I am constantly inspired. Resilient government leaders respond creatively to daunting circumstances time and again, turning to such tactics as alternative funding, new service delivery methods, and innovative partnerships to help them continue providing essential citizen services. The current budget crisis is no exception. Today, federal managers reportRead… Read more »

Danny Werfel: IRS to Get Late Start on Tax Return Processing

The Internal Revenue Service has delayed the start of 2014 tax filing season as the agency continues to restart and evaluate its processing systems after the government ended its shutdown. Individual tax returns for 2013 will start to be processed sometime between Jan. 28 and Feb. 4, the IRS said Tuesday. Nearly 90 percent ofRead… Read more »

Good Read: The Y Factor: How to Nurture Star Qualities in Millennials

Originally posted on #GovLife. As a Millennial, I hate seeing article after article about how my generation is the <insert negative adjective here>, and how working with us is the pits. The stories and situations that are recounted do not resonate with me or even reflect my way of thinking or working. In fact, theyRead… Read more »

Good Read: How to Start a Billion-Dollar Empire With a Laptop

Originally posted on #GovLife We’re always told “don’t judge a book by its cover”, so trust me when I say “don’t judge this article by its title”. We all know (or at least should know) Alexis from his days at reddit. In 2008, after watching hisTED talk, I became an instant fangirl and haven’t lookedRead… Read more »

Here Is Your Government Contract

There are literally thousands of RFPs available at all government levels. Government contracts vary in award size and scope, but for many small to mid-size businesses looking to jump star or even create a nice financial cushion to withstand the ups and downs that happen throughout the year, even small contracts can be beneficial. HereRead… Read more »

Infographic: 5 Best Practices for Improving Customer Service

Customer service is one of the most important aspects of a successful company. Good customer service can increase company sales, raise competition, and enhance the image of a company. These same attributes can be applied to government agencies as well. Good customer service will enhance the public’s image of government, and give citizens a senseRead… Read more »

Shutdown Ramifications (Part I): America & the World

While the government shutdown is over for now, the calamitous costs to America and the world linger. The most blatant financial costs have resulted from a major “sucker punch” to the gut of the fragile U.S. economy. This occurred at an inopportune time for America. Like a boxer absorbing a knock out blow, we wereRead… Read more »

Good Read: The Truth About Creativity at Work

Originally posted on #GovLife. Last week I went to the William Eggers’ Open Forum at the Institute on Governance, where we discussed some of the concepts in his new book, Solution Revolution. I was involved in a discussion on the scalability of good ideas, which raised some topics that have come up in other conversationsRead… Read more »