Posts Tagged: government

There is still time to join Boxer Advisors for a free, interactive webinar!

“Top 10 low-cost, high-impact strategies for Federal Government Officials” will be held on Thursday, August 29th at 12:30 PM EDT. We will candidly discuss how to address the most pressing challenges facing the federal government and offer easily translatable solutions. To register, click on the following link:

Four Approaches to Crowdsourcing

Is this a Golden Age for citizen involvement in government? As dismayed as some may be with the political process, there are growing opportunities for meaningful engagement in many areas, thanks to growing social media tools and a willingness to participate by many ordinary people. Gavin Newscom is California’s lieutenant governor, and was formerly theRead… Read more »

CIO Council Aims for New Structure to Help Meet New Priorities

The federal Chief Information Officers Council has restructured its committees with the goal of fulfilling the government’s technology requirements, Federal News Radio reported Wednesday. Jason Miller writes the reorganization aims to equip CIOs with tools and guidance in order to meet the federal government’s priorities and address technology trends. Miller reports the council trimmed theRead… Read more »

Throwing Rocks and Birds

Sometimes my summer reading list takes unanticipated paths. . . . Here are some highlights from an older report from the UK that feels like it could have been written today! In 2002, British academic Jake Chapman wrote a paper for Demos, a UK think tank, entitled: “System Failure: Why Governments Must Learn to ThinkRead… Read more »

TODAY 11am Eastern — Learn how to launch and grow virtual peer learning groups!

iCohere Education Series Webinar Thursday, August 8, 11:00am to Noon Eastern (TODAY!) Join Sue Brundege of Integrated Work Solutions and Lance Simon of iCohere in a webinar that explains how government agencies can create virtual “Peer Brain Trusts” to clarify strategies, build skills, and troubleshoot complex issues more quickly and efficiently than any one employeeRead… Read more »

CRM Appstore for Government

Introduced at the Conference of Mayors this past weekend, there is a new resource for US Public Sector organizations looking for applications and add-ons based on the Microsoft Dynamics CRM platform. Now, public sector organizations of all sizes can use technology to better manage everything from citizen services, FOIA requests, economic development, mapping, fleet managementRead… Read more »

What Is Your Boss Really Looking For (And Thinking)?

We all have bosses. For many employees, that means one deceivingly simple question generates a great deal of thought: what is my boss thinking? After a high-energy lunchtime session, Next Generation of Government participants attending one of the breakout sessions had the opportunity to tackle this question and learn how its answer can help guideRead… Read more »

Jonny Dorsey at NextGen: Five Actions to Advance Government

Jonny Dorsey is a social entrepreneur and co-founder of Global Health Corps, an initiative that brings talented individuals into public health communities around the world. At the opening NextGen general session, he shared five major points from a study done by the Impact Careers Initiative at the Aspen Institute. The study seeks to understand whyRead… Read more »

Moving Forward: The Need to Migrate to Windows 7

Windows XP’s days are numbered. Microsoft will be terminating all support for the operating system, as well as support for Microsoft Word 2003, on April 8, 2014. This includes all security updates and fixes, leaving those with Windows XP vulnerable to security threats. Many organizations are now faced with the task of migrating to aRead… Read more »