Posts Tagged: government

Why Feds Don’t Need Rebranding – Part I

Does the Federal Government need to rebrand itself, as some have recently suggested, due to low public approval, politically-charged rhetoric, and negative stereotypes of Federal employees? I think not. Rather, I stipulate that: 1) Rebranding Feds is unnecessary and inadvisable at this time, and 2) There is no real “crisis” for Feds that warrants aRead… Read more »

Are Government Contractors Doing Enough to Differentiate Themselves?

Without a doubt, the next 12 to 24 months will be a period where government contractors need to be even more competitive – chasing after fewer and smaller contracting opportunities. Many are already seeing this as a particularly challenging time. As the market for winning new contracts and holding on to existing ones becomes moreRead… Read more »

Agencies Developing More Comprehensive Mobile Strategies and Policies

Monica Mayk Parham, Marketing Director, Market Connections, Inc. The rise of mobile technology in the government sector has allowed government employees to be more nimble and effective. Though with increased mobility comes greater challenges for those in charge of implementing mobile applications, such as Roger Baker, CIO at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). TheRead… Read more »

When Government Agencies Receive High Klout Scores, Does it Really Mean They Have More Clout?

IBM Center for the Business of Government recently issued a report that provides some very interesting social media insights for federal agencies: which agencies have the highest Klout rankings. If you are not familiar with Klout, it essentially measures your overall social media influence. For example, when you create content or engage through social networks,Read… Read more »

OMB’s Push for Evidence-Based Budgeting Reinforces Value of Program Performance Research

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) just issued a memo calling for all federal agencies to submit evidence-based budgets that will prove program performance. According to the memo, “Agencies should demonstrate the use of evidence throughout their Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 budget submissions. Budget submissions also should include a separate section on agencies’ mostRead… Read more »

Government HR managers may be asking the wrong questions during interviews

The government hiring process is cumbersome, of that there’s no doubt. And that’s a huge turnoff for a lot of people, especially those with little experience who are looking to get into government work. But are government human resources managers even looking for the right qualities in candidates? Some private sector companies have taken toRead… Read more »

Feds Don’t Always See Mobile as Cost Saver, Senate Confirms New Contracting Policy Chief, and Fed CTO Wants to Liberate Government Data

Welcome to the weekly news kick off post from the FedConnects blog. With the long holiday weekend behind us, it is time to re-enter the working world. And what better way to get acclimated to your professional life than by arming yourself with all the actionable news you need to be the smartest and mostRead… Read more »

How to Set Effective and Achievable Goals

It’s that time of year once again. For public servants in Canada, we are (or have) embarked on a journey to evaluate ourselves against performance indicators and set our learning targets for the upcoming fiscal year. The two documents encompassing this effort are the Performance Discussion Process (PDP) and the Personal Learning Plan (PLP). I’veRead… Read more »