Posts Tagged: government

Good Governance Worldwide

Check out ASPA’s new Web site aimed at promoting good governance worldwide – particularly in modernizing and emerging democracies. It offers a wide array of best practice content – through e-articles, commentaries, book reviews, interviews, blogs, podcasts, videos, topical forums, wikis, etc. – and should open up networking opportunities for practitioners, applied researchers, PA students,Read… Read more »

Edelman Trust Barometer Results: Worry or Opportunity?

By now, most government communicators have probably seen the Edelman Trust Barometer summaries that keep highlighting that trust in government fell once again. This sounds really terrible for those of us who communicate for the government, but looking deeper into the report shows that this is actually an opportunity for us rather than a problem.Read… Read more »

An Open Government Anniversary

By Alex Moll, Communications Officer, eRulemaking Program Management Office Executive Summary – This past month marked the one year anniversary of a significant Open Government milestone. One year ago, President Obama signed Executive Order 13563, “Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review.” Since then its implementation appears on the pages of agency retrospective reviews, new guidance setRead… Read more »

8 Simple Steps To A Successful Bid

A successful bid can be clarified as a well thought out realistic response to the agencies needs. Being able to produce a successful bid is not an easy task, FAR clauses, specifications, and requirements can drain anybody’s energy. Here are 8 steps that can produce a successful bid: Market Research– Before you attempt to respondRead… Read more » launches business community, adds more open data

Just after midnight last night, here on the East Coast, a new part of went live. Politico’s @MorningTech reported this morning that around 200 new datasets were released to the public. At present, I’m seeing 120 datasets, most of which relate to the agricultural industry, census data or import/exports: US CIO +Steven VanRoekelRead… Read more »

Developing Your 2012 Pipeline and Preparing For a Great Year of Winning Business

If you are anything like me, you’ve dealt with three challenges during the holidays – trying to keep from overindulging too much and gaining hard-to-shed pounds; fighting off a recurring cold; and trying to juggle family time with proposals that are due early to mid-January. By the way, I am officially envious if you facedRead… Read more »

Don’t Wait – Early Bird Conference Registration for the Gov Web & New Media Conference ENDS 2/3/12

Attend the year’s most comprehensive, relevant conference for your job. Early-bird pricing for the annual Government Web and New Media Conference ends Friday, February 3, 2012. Our 2011 conference SOLD OUT early, so don’t miss out – register today! Event Details:Date: Wednesday–Thursday, May 16–17, 2012Place: Renaissance Hotel, Washington, DCCost: Early Bird registration $325.00 (after FebruaryRead… Read more »

Does Citizen Participation Work?

As federal agencies tighten their belts, they’ll be questioning the value of citizen participation initiatives under the Obama Open Government Initiative. Do they lead to better results or reduced costs? A new report, “A Manager’s Guide to Evaluating Citizen Participation,” by Tina Nabatchi, an assistant professor at the Maxwell School at Syracuse University, is designedRead… Read more »

Strategic & Tactical Advantages of Custom Web-Based Training

If you’re interested in developing custom web-based training courses for your employees, but you’re having trouble getting upper management to buy-in, we can help. Knowing the strategic and tactical advantages of web-based training can help you convince decision makers that web-based training is appropriate for your team. It’s hard to list out all of theRead… Read more »