Posts Tagged: government

Are You Making These Mistakes With Government Contracts?

Government contracts are a lucrative asset if utilized properly, of the already existent contractors that hold contracts a small portion fulfill their task orders to its full term due to small mistakes. Staying abreast of your contracts activities can help you avoid making these mistakes: Non-performance– Do not bid on a task if you areRead… Read more »

2011 Service to America Medal Winners: What Pivotal Plays Have You Seen in Government Lately?

The Partnership for Public Service annually honors outstanding federal employees who have made a significant difference in the lives of Americans. Often referred to as the “Oscars of government service,” the Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medals (aka The Sammies) highlights all of the “pivotal players” in government who are chosen based on theirRead… Read more »

HRSDC’s Web 2.0 Symposium – Thoughts and Insights

Social Connect via: On Friday January 20, something amazing happened. Public servants, mainly from HRSDC, but also from several other departments met to discuss everything Web 2.0. The agenda was packed, the content insightful but most importantly, I had a chance to meet public servants who share a passion for technology similar to my own.Read… Read more »

2011 State & Local Government Communications infographic

GovDelivery released an infographic report revealing the Top 11 keywords/subjects of government communications State & Local government organizations that saw their content shared the most across email and social media fastest-growing topics that the public signed up to receive actual messages that the public shared through email and social media Below is just a snapshotRead… Read more »

Top 7 Problems With Proposal Win Themes

Most companies, despite their best intentions (and even understanding of what a win theme is supposed to look like), fail to sell in their proposals. Win theme is one of the top five elements of proposal persuasion – and if they don’t work, it will be much harder to stand out. Time pressures force theRead… Read more »

Engaging Audiences: Jan 26 Live Action Twitter Webinar

The fun folks at GSA’s Center for Excellence in Digital Government are raising the bar in social media training. You are invited to join us for a not-so-typical Twitter webinar! We’re ditching the slides and bringing you live interaction, the same way you actually use social media. All questions will be answered, no subject isRead… Read more »

2011 Represents Record Year for Government-to-Citizen Communications

Report reveals that Health, Business, and Jobs account for one-half of government communication Today, GovDelivery released the 2011 Federal Digital Communications Report, revealing that 2011 was a record year for government communications. The report is available in an infographic and can be seen at The report, based on data from GovDelivery’s clients representing moreRead… Read more »

Loss of Trust and the Role of Government

A record 84 percent of Americans say they disapprove of the way the Congress is doing its job compared with just 13 percent who approve of how things are going, according to a Washington Post/ABC News public opinion poll published on Monday.Research has shown that a primary reason for low approval ratings is that mostRead… Read more »