Posts Tagged: government

Facebook’s Top 10 for Government

At GovDelivery’s October 19th event in Washington, DC, 300 attendees received some valuable tips on Facebook usage by government agencies from Adam Conner, Associate Manager of Public Policy at Facebook. His engaging, fast-paced and helpful presentation included his top 10 “musts” for governments using Facebook to get their message out. Here’s a summary of thoseRead… Read more »

Changing government culture the open source way

Can an entrenched bureaucracy, encumbered by a rigid culture and public records compliance adapt open source ways to collaborate more effectively? Is it like pulling teeth just to get people to share ideas? Is that devil’s advocate bringing your team down? If you want results, try something different. Use open communications and transparency with yourRead… Read more »

Where do you think Social Government should go ?

In many ways, Government is as skilled or even leading private industry in applying social technologies to transform itself. Government already makes heavy use of social media channels such as Twitter and Facebook to communicate with constituents and is pushing into new spaces with efforts to better communicate during emergencies or to facilitate reporting ofRead… Read more »

Like Steve Jobs, Government can “Think Different”

The following is the original version of a shorter post originally published on GPO’s Government BookTalk blog on October 11, 2011. On October 5, 2011, we lost one of America’s great geniuses of innovation, Apple’s founder and CEO, Steve Jobs. From the beginning, Steve Jobs seemed to “Think Different” than everyone else, which made Apple’sRead… Read more »

Government Agency Mobile Applications Leave Room for Improvement

The White Horse Digital Futures Group’s exclusive report provides feedback for 30 citizen-focused government mobile applications, plus mobile development guidelines helpful for public or private organizations. “The number of smartphone users in the U.S. is approaching the 100 million user mark. Government bears a responsibility to ensure… (they) use available resources effectively and produce betterRead… Read more »

How governments can use social media to better prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies

Hi All, Thought you might be interested to see this presentation by the Emergency 2.0 Wiki project on how governments can use social media to help their agencies, employees and customers better prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies. We presented it at the recent Smart Government Conference in Canberra, Australia. We would beRead… Read more »

Diary of a Frustrated Young Professional- Letting Somebody Go

Dear all knowing Internet, I know its been a long time since I have last called upon your all knowing goodness, but this time I am extremely frustrated. In New York State, the public employee union I belong to rejected our new contract. As a result, many young professionals including myself have been notified thatRead… Read more »

Don’t Go It Alone…You’re Not a Social Media Superstar

One of things you hear over and over is the concern about managing a Twitter account or a Facebook account and how do you deal with the influx of all those questions and comments. In many cases, the fear of not having time to actively respond is so great that it results in scaring agenciesRead… Read more »

Is Your Office Getting a Bit…Cozier?

Office space isn’t what it used to be – many offices and most government agencies are tearing down the walls – literally – and placing workers in increasingly small, and less private, cube space. Is this the trend in your office? Do smaller offices make it easier to collaborate, or just make you more annoyedRead… Read more »

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month through History, Numbers and Public Service

Did you know that we are in the midst of Hispanic Heritage Month? In 1968, President Lyndon Johnson established an annual week-long celebration of the culture and traditions of those who trace their roots to Spain, Mexico and the Spanish-speaking nations of Central America, South America and the Caribbean. In 1988, President Ronald Reagan expandedRead… Read more »