Posts Tagged: government

How to Conduct E-Learning Training

Developing E-Learning training courses isn’t as easy as just deciding on a whim to take your training courses to new heights. A lot of hard work goes into developing E-Learning training courses that meet the needs of your organization and give learners information they need to know. Here are some tips for ensuring that theRead… Read more »

Code4Russia – a new Russian eGov intiative!

A number of serious competitions among IT- developers that are aimed to implement new eGov services or projects that could be further used by authorities or other specialized companies have been conducted recently in almost every Western country. Developers in turn could derive a variety of benefits starting from free educational or qualification programme toRead… Read more »

CityCamp Colorado Recap

The 2nd annual CityCamp Colorado was held on October 28, 2011, with about sixty participants from eighteen cities and counties around Colorado, several private IT sector leaders, members of academia, and the engaged public. (Cross posted from the Open Colorado website, Here’s a rundown of how the day went: Opening remarks from Tom Downey,Read… Read more »

Advice and Counsel for Amanda

Amanda would be well advised not to make a career in government because Congress wants to eliminate the FERS retirement system and reduce it to just a 401 k plan and social security… Furthermore, the super committee in Congress appears to be failing in its mission of reducing the debt and deficit. So, if thingsRead… Read more »

What questions do you have about open data, apps contests and sustainability?

*What questions do you have about open data, apps contests and sustainability?* Earlier this year, the Environmental Protection Agency launched a contest to build “green apps” using its data. After months of preparation, development, publicity and engagement, the contest produced 38 apps: Last week, the winners of the contest were announced Tomorrow, I’ll be moderatingRead… Read more »

4 Core Regulations You Should Know

With any contract there are always rules and regulations and to have a contract with the federal government you need to adhere to the rules and regulations of the specific agency of your interest, in addition to the regulations of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). The FAR governs all federal contracts in the acquisition process.Read… Read more »

Top 5 Government Contract Websites

There are so many government contract opportunities that get passed by because many believe that there is one central website that caters to contract business. Federal Business Opportunities is the most popular site that receives a large portion of online traffic, But wait! I have good news many government agencies post opportunities internally as wellRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Government’s green plans revealed today

According to this story over at the Washington Post, today many federal agencies are expected to release progress reports for what they’re doing to reduce the government’s carbon footprint. The more eco-friendly efforts are part of an initiative put forth by Barack Obama back in 2009. In total, the government is hoping to reduce itsRead… Read more »

London Conference on Cyberspace

On 1-2 November, the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office will be hosting the London Conference on Cyberspace ( The conference will cover a number of different themes including social benefits of the web, economic growth and development, safe and reliable access online, cyber crime and international security. It will be an opportunity for citizens toRead… Read more »