Posts Tagged: government

Government and Business – Common Ground

We recently had a great post by Patrick Fiorenza on whether the government should be run like a business. It created lots of good discussion about the pros and cons of each viewpoint. The general consesus seemed to be that the nature of goverment services to not lend itself to business management completely, but thatRead… Read more »

This Day in GovCon History, August 25, 1916: National Park Service Created

This article was originally published by GovWin’s Anthony Critelli August 25, 1916 is the day President Woodrow Wilson signed a bill creating the National Park Service (NPS) within the Department of the Interior. Interior had previously lacked the organization to effectively manage the then 14 national parks and 21 national monuments. The new agency wasRead… Read more »

OMB Unveils Its Performance.Gov Website

The Bush Administration had its Results.Gov scorecard. The Obama Administration now has unveiled its Performance.Gov dashboard. Is a dashboard better than a scorecard? The Bush website provided links to key management initiatives, such as the President’s Management Agenda Scorecard, a list and bios of top political appointees, and a set of agency examples of bestRead… Read more »

The Government Man and the Samplehog

My last blog was uncharacteristic of me. I’m more comfortable telling tall tales than doing political commentary but the extraordinary events surrounding the debt ceiling crisis put me over the edge. This week I revert back to the tales. Some of you might have noticed in prior blogs and commentaries just a hint of disdainRead… Read more »

Job Search Blunders: How to Fail Your Phone Interview

Direct from the recruiter’s mouth we have these top tips on how to screw up your phone interview. Follow them the next time you’re hoping not to get the job. 1. Call from the office you’re still working at. And be sure to mention how much you hate your current job. Nothing says dedicated employeeRead… Read more »

Vote for Open Government Places: finalist for the Harvard Management 2.0 Challenge

We’re finalist for the Management 2.0 Challenge with Open Government Places. Vote for us on the Harvard site. Voting is easy! Go to the site, just scroll down towards the bottom of the page, click Rate This, you can join The Mix by using your Facebook account, and rate our project. About OPG Open GovernmentRead… Read more »

Open Government Links of the Week – August 19, 2011

“Opening government, the Chicago way” “Interviews with Chicago journalists and open government advocates, along with Tolva and Goldstein themselves, led me to a clear conclusion: there’s something new going on in the Windy City that’s worth sharing with the rest of the country and world.” (O’Reilly radar) “Department of Veterans Affairs releases progressive, structured socialRead… Read more »

“Suggest an App” section added to Making Mobile Gov Dialogue

People interested in government mobile products like apps, mobile web and SMS continue to engage in the Making Mobile Gov Dialogue by suggesting, commenting on and voting for the best ideas. A few folks have suggested the federal government create specific mobile products. In response, the Making Mobile Gov team has created the “Suggest anRead… Read more »

Report: A/E Firms Will Need New Tactics To Stay Competitive

This was originally published by our assistant managing editor Sean Tucker The federal government is expected to cut spending and reduce the number of contracts it issues in coming years — even in fields that have seen rapid growth over the last decade. For architecture, engineering and construction (A/E) contractors, this means a tough, competitiveRead… Read more »

This is HOT: Open data for humanitarian relief

This article was originally published on It’s HOT in Haiti, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, and other nations around the world. Why? Because Kate Chapman, the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT), and many volunteers are improving local economies and creating an open map of the world. At SouthEast LinuxFest, held earlier this year, I learned about HumanitarianRead… Read more »