Posts Tagged: government

Are more “super-sized cities” coming soon?

For years, people have talked about a phenomenon called “suburban sprawl” – what happens when cities tend to blend into each other along a stretch of road, making it difficult (if not impossible) to tell when you have passed into a bordering community. This is often said of the Chicago to Milwaukee corridor – bothRead… Read more »

Budget troubles affect attitudes toward government communications

I guess it was inevitable. After a contentious spring, federal and state budget deficits, and political posturing on both sides of the aisle (in an extreme case – Minnesota – both sides walked away from the table and the state government actually shut down!), government communications and marketing funding is on the chopping block. DeridedRead… Read more »

How to use Collective Intelligence techniques to ensure that your web application can extract value

The Web and the Collective intelligence – How to use Collective Intelligence techniques to ensure that your web application can extract valuable data from its usage and deliver that value right back to the users. The Web and the Collective Intelligence – How to use Collective Intelligence techniques to ensure that your web application canRead… Read more »

Open Government Isn’t Something One Person Can Own – It Belongs To All of Us

Originally posted on the Phase One Consulting Group’s Government Transformation Blog. As the firestorm over the future of Open Government raged across Twitter and blogs early last week following Vivek Kundra’s departure announcement, there were federal employees quietly scheduling meetings, chatting in the hallways or just simply asking questions about how Open Government can helpRead… Read more »

Teleseminars, Stage Fright and More

Webinars are often used in the business training environment, but it is a newer version of that webinar idea with a host that is taking over when it comes to online/teleconferencing training: the teleseminar, which can be used to provide information, training, or promote or sell products to group of people interested in a particularRead… Read more »

Open Government is Dead, Long Live Open Data

Vivek Kundra leaving the White House rings one more bell that the Open Government soiree is over. And like all poorly planned parties, it should be. But, that doesn’t mean that he didn’t leave us one lovely party favor. Let’s be honest. The combination of the very nebulous idea of “Open Government” and the institutionalizationRead… Read more »

What’s the Deal with ‘Tightsizing’?

The Federal Times posted an article online yesterday about the emerging trend of ‘tightsizing’ in the federal government. Agencies are looking to reduce the office space of employees to accommodate more feds. The idea is that by fitting more workers into an already existing work space it prevents an agency form leasing additional real estateRead… Read more »

Publicyte, a Digital Magazine About Innovation for Civic Good

This past Tuesday, I launched Publicyte, a digital magazine published by Microsoft about the people, places, and technologies driving civic innovation. I’ll be the editor-in-chief of the publication, and we’ll have writers from all kinds of interesting backgrounds, from both inside and outside of Microsoft. It’s part of my work at our new Office ofRead… Read more »

Open Government Links of the Week – June 24, 2011

This is a collection of links that I’ve come across recently related to technology, transparency, and government. Not all of them came out this past week, but they haven’t been included in former Friday posts like this. Know of any that should be included? Add them to the comments below! “Illinois, New York City moveRead… Read more »