Posts Tagged: government

Federal Employee Pay In The Spotlight Once Again

The report this time is that 77,000 federal employees earn more than the governors in their states. To give you an idea of the findings, Governor salaries ranged between $70,000 in Maine and $212,179 in California. Colorado had the most federal employees, with 10,875 workers having salaries higher than the state’s governor, who earned $90,000Read… Read more »

For Feds, Gmail + Phishing = Lesson in the Basics

Last week network monitors at Google noticed a concerted phishing attack against accounts held by senior U.S. government officials, including members of the military. The attack, if you can call it that, was plain old phishing, in which messages are crafted so as to look like they are coming from a trusted source — inRead… Read more »

Road Map for the Digital City – Achieving New York City’s Digital Future

The Road Map for the Digital City – Achieving New York City’s Digital Future is a recently released report by Mayor Bloomberg’s Office of Media and Entertainment and the NYC Digital initiative. It’s outstanding and is a must read for anyone involved in government at any level, especially if your involved with web/gov 2.0 initiatives.Read… Read more »

What Could Possibly Be Next?

450,000 Govies Outta Work in FY2012 Sorry for the grim news, but that that’s exactly what they reported last week. So, if you’re a government worker either for a state, county, town or village – pink slips are in the forecast. If you thought it was bad last year (300,000 jobs were cut) – braceRead… Read more »

State & Local Budgets: an opportunity for innovation?

State & local governments are under particular duress this year, with the challenge of balancing their budgets even while unemployment insurance systems and social programs are increasingly depleted and pension systems face a shortfall. By some estimates, 44 states and the District of Columbia are facing budget crises that total more than $6 billion. LocalRead… Read more »

GSA’s Laura Godfrey, Manager of, to Speak at June 9th Reaching Latinos Online Event

We are excited to have Laura Godfrey, Manager of, joining us at out next Reaching Latinos Online event on June 9th at 6pm. Laura will discuss GobiernoUSA’s efforts to make the site more mobile-friendly. Among the issues she will address are: How Hispanics are using the mobile Internet Which segments of the Hispanic populationRead… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: Snag a Summer Job

If you are a student, or know of one who is looking for a summer job, why not consider federal government work? Federal agencies have summer job openings for students and recent college graduates – and not all of the openings are in our nation’s capital! Did you know that each year federal agencies lookRead… Read more »