Posts Tagged: govfem

Who Should Be on the $10 Bill?

2020 will mark 100 years of women’s suffrage. To honor that milestone in women’s rights, the Obama administration recently announced that it will replace Alexander Hamilton’s image on the $10 bill with that of a famous American woman. However, that woman has not been chosen yet. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew will ultimately make the decision but notRead… Read more »

Female Leadership: How Does the Public Sector Compare to Private?

In the recent post, I mentioned that one lady govie asked where women had it better – in the private or the public sector. In that article, we explored paid parental leave. Today, let’s talk about representation in leadership roles. No matter what industry you’re in, it’s important to have your perspective included in decision-making. That doesn’tRead… Read more »

Empower Women through Compliance Training

The government provides numerous safeguards against gender discrimination in federal employment. However, those securities are often neglected or discarded by uninformed employees who don’t know their rights or how to access them within the government bureaucracy. Nicole Mason, Esq. hopes to change that by educating federally employed women about their rights. Mason serves as ViceRead… Read more »

Let’s Talk (Honestly) about Networking

Women especially are told to network — to find a support system that can bolster their professional goals and help them overcome barriers. But what’s really the point? And if it is so worthwhile, how do you do it? Those (and others) are the questions I recently asked Asha Aravindakshan. Aravindakshan has traversed sectors, startingRead… Read more »

Paid Parental Leave: Gov vs. Private Sector

Is it better for women in the private sector? That was the question posed by a young govie to GovLoop’s CEO Steve Ressler at a recent event. It’s a simple question, but unfortunately the answer is not so straightforward. First, comparing the private sector to the entire public sector is like comparing 12 kinds ofRead… Read more »

How Ann Dunkin Encourages Girls in STEM through Public Service

It’s still rare to see a woman running a government agency (only 34 percent of the SES is female), and it’s even rarer for that woman to be holding a technology position. Therefore, it was really a thrill to speak with Ann Dunkin, who currently serves as chief information officer at the US Environmental ProtectionRead… Read more »

National Training for Federally Employed Women

As we’ve said in earlier GovFem posts, professional women benefit from having a strong network, increased training opportunities, and a forum to discuss their specific career needs. But, in this ever-changing, fast-paced microwave society, it can be challenging to reach these objectives, especially because today’s woman is expected to simultaneously focus on the day-to-day demandsRead… Read more »